When The Ravens Return

Gales Of Avalon

Yet another EP, can't really understand what is the point for these EP releases, but […]
By Eldad "Blacknasa" Stainbook
August 12, 2013
Gales Of Avalon - When The Ravens Return album cover

Yet another EP, can't really understand what is the point for these EP releases, but probably bands would like to feel the market and the fans' prior to spending money on a full release including PR and marketing. Nevertheless this is an independent release; people spending their own hard earn money to release music. It's much to be admired.

GALES OF AVALON already released a full album back on 2011, can't tell you much about it because I haven't listened to it yet, nor have I ever heard about them prior to this EP. Either way some a few pointers about them; these are Canadian folks abiding by the mix between Death and Black Metal. The following "When The Ravens Return" introduce to us six songs that are more of an extreme fusion of the mentioned with further hints of Folk. All this brew didn't turn out bad at all, the vocals range between growling, clear and a low pitched voice, creating some kind of atmosphere well reserved.

As far as it goes, GALES OF AVALON draw a nice fusion, rather different from what I was expecting and I found it to be quite nice, simple as that. Hopefully the next full album will be better produced.

7 / 10


"When The Ravens Return" Track-listing:

1. What Hell Have I?
2. Robert's Lament
3. These Words
4. Ocean Ranger
5. Darkened Mirrors
6. Winter Sun

Gales Of Avalon Lineup:

Jamie Gallo - Drums
James Neill - Vocals, Bass
Mark Dillon - Vocals, Guitars
David Hickli - Guitars

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