
Gabriele Bellini

Opening up with this ethereal acoustic strum; "Veritas Filia Temporis" starts off the record with […]
By Craig Rider
September 1, 2023
Gabriele Bellini - Motus album cover

Opening up with this ethereal acoustic strum; "Veritas Filia Temporis" starts off the record with this vibrantly potent rift of unearthing majesty, somewhat melancholic... this sanguine tonality of sublime tradition ramifies with unique versatility on vehement maelstrom proficiency & zestful singing momentum from cordial vocalist Daniel Melani. This organic substance on prodigious songwriting musicianship fabricates a hybrid experimentation on strident dexterity from guitarist Gabriele Bellini himself, performing solo... he implements a dynamic calamity on seamless rhythms that shred with riveting nimbleness & meticulous tempo that's synthetically systematic whilst towering with sulphurous rips at a distinctively distinguished execution - especially in "Interverso" (featuring high-pitched pipes of throaty clean cords of euphonic aesthetic from the main man himself).

"Metaverse Era" continues articulating in suave technical hooks, as audible bass from Lorenzo "Bug" Meoni flourishes a flamboyant flicker on mellifluous - proggy flair in which symbiotically transpires with complex and creative instrumental grooves, distilling a bizzarro in éclat panache of outré persistence which perseveres with diverse characteristics that varies with solidly salubrious virtuosity... profound in "Afterall", "Resilient Moment" (with Edoardo Peruzzi on vocals) & "V-O-R-". (featuring drumming expertise from Michel Agostini, who taps the set with fluidly flowing slaps that make for a catchy jamboree of venomously infectious injections in light-hearted but quirky tremolo patterns as crescendo building bounciness attributes in adversely hard-hitting rock transparencies that's snappy whilst inventively listenable).

"Rockdown" (with Lorenzo "Bobby" Masi on vocals) "Air On The G String" & "Element" (with Smilzo on more eccentric but clean singing virulence) flourish with more unorthodox wackiness that makes for an outlandish portrayal of wildly rushing yet idiosyncratic buoyancy that's just very prog on every essence of the word. The varied masquerades on these revolving craftsmanship abilities ebulliently delight in diligently detailed articulate and revered supergroup style-like contrast in which relish with this profusely robust prowess that's performed with an avant-garde polish whilst this silver-lining herald that makes this record different, as it feels original to jam to... especially evident with the rapping sensation within the latter track.

The penultimate "Only One Planet" frolics and chugs with some rambunctious rollicks that showcases a distorted effervescent in choppy grips that portray this thudding yet vivacious furore in which makes for an elegantly exquisite listen, true to form in the marvelling epic finale called "The Whole". Overall concluding "Motus"; I am compelled to say that GABRIELE BELLINI most surely outdone themselves with this one, while it was very punchy with proggy values... this record rocked with jaunty musical ideas in which made out to be an enjoyably entertaining listen all round. Worthy of spinning should you fancy a flexibly fundamental fix in this subgenre as a whole, most definitely do check it out. (released June 15, 2023)

7 / 10









"Motus" Track-listing:

1. Veritas Filia Temporis
2. Inverso
3. Metaverse Era
4. Afterall
5. Resilient Moment
6. V-O-R-
7. Rockdown
8. Air On The G String
9. Element
10. Only One Planet
11. The Whole

Gabriele Bellini Lineup:

Daniel Melani / Vocals on track #1
Edoardo Peruzzi / Vocals on track #5
Lorenzo "Bobby" Masi / Vocals on track #7
Smilzo / Vocals on track #9
Mr. Jack / Vocals on track #11
Gabriele Bellini / Guitars on all tracks, Vocals on track #2, Bass and Drum Programming on track #10
"Jac" Salani / Bass on tracks #1 #5 #6 #7 #9 #11
Michel Agostini / Drums on tracks #1 #2 #3 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #11
Lorenzo "Bug" Meoni / Bass on tracks #2 #3 #8

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