Songs from the Earth
Furor Gallico
February 26, 2015

Folk Metal is a rather recent Metal sub-genre, given birth in the 90's but being popularized a lot more in the early 2000's. Fans of ENSIFERUM and the likes will be right at home here with Italian Folk/Death Metal band FUROR GALLICO. They gives us here their third outing titled "Songs of the Earth".
Title opening and title track "The Song of the Earth" contains melodic leads done by violin and tin whistles, accompanying the guitars and the Death Metal growls. "Nemàin's Breath" has a strong bagpipe lead with an acoustic interlude, while "Wild Jig Of Beltaine" has some backing vocals and a monologue completing the others leads. "La Notte Dei Cento Fuochi" is a little more energetic with the guitars with meaner riffs, but there is however a calm interlude with whispers, acoustic guitar and violin. It also features a "chorale-like" finale. "Diluvio" is more like a ballad, with acoustic guitar and harp and a good melodic guitar solo.
"Squass" has a surprisingly groovy bass riff as intro and some progressive elements but remains distinctly folk. "Steam Over The Mountain" is however way more heavy and modern sounding, but still featuring the Celtic instruments; a nice contrast to the other songs, it provides texture and variety to the album overall. "To the End" has a nice group chorus featuring female vocals. The last song "Eremita" is not that bad, but maybe a bit uninspired compared to the other songs... and I'm not too much of fan of the electronic sounds at the very end. It seems like a rather odd choice to finish such an organic sounding album in that fashion...
FUROR GALLICO tried here some things that worked, some that didn't... But overall, this is a rather solid effort by them and a good listen to Folk Metal amateurs, with some lovely instrumentals arrangements!
7 / 10

"Songs from the Earth" Track-listing:
1. The Song Of The Earth
2. Nemàin's Breath
3. Wild Jig Of Beltaine
4. La Notte Dei Cento Fuochi
5. Diluvio
6. Squass
7. Steam Over The Mountain
8. To The End
9. Eremita
Furor Gallico Lineup:
Davide - Growl, Scream and Clean Vocals
Luca - Guitar and Backing Vocals
Mattia - Guitar
Marco - Bass
Mirko - Drum
Paolo - Tin Whistles, Bouzouki & Bagpipes
Becky - Celtic Harp
Riccardo - Violin
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