The Sleep Of Morbid Dreams


FUNEBRARUM is a well known band in the underground extreme Metal scene. If you don't […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
May 27, 2009
Funebrarum - The Sleep Of Morbid Dreams album cover

FUNEBRARUM is a well known band in the underground extreme Metal scene. If you don't know these guys, you can understand many things just by their name. Don't tell me that you are expecting to find anything about happiness, love and life in here. The only things FUNEBRARUM are going to spit in your face are death, violence and darkness!
Formed in 1999, the band now celebrates its 10th year in the scene by releasing a brand new full-length album through the German label Cyclone Empire Records. It was about time they released their sophomore album, since it has been a while since their 2001 debut Beneath The Columns Of Abandoned Gods.
Not much have changed since their debut, since FUNEBRARUM remain a Death Metal band based on the old school Swedish Death Metal ethics (although they are from the US). Only the speed has been raised a bit, but the mid tempo venomous Death Metal moments are still here, among the brutal outbreaks, to destroy what has been left of you. With a raw production that reminds of the 80's scene, FUNEBRARUM serve their own opinion on how Death Metal should be played. There is nothing here that will remind you of music as we know it after the 90's. Everything is raw, old school and rotten as hell! That's why these US maniacs sound like they were born in Stockholm two decades ago. The killer guitars can confirm this!
If this album was released some years ago (about twenty), it would surely be a classic today, but due to its totally old school attitude and sound, it can only be a marvelous gem for the fans of the genre. I don't think that other people outside of the specific scene will find many interesting things in here. I don't think that there are so many people that are looking for Swedish sounding Death Metal similar to bands like CARNAGE and KAAMOS. Anyway, having in mind the audience it addresses to...

7 / 10


"The Sleep Of Morbid Dreams" Track-listing:

Perish Beneath
Grave Reaper
Beyond Recognition
Cursed Eternity
Incineration Of Mortal Flesh
Nex Monumentum
Among The Exiled

Funebrarum Lineup:

Daryl Kahan - Vocals
Nick Orlando - Guitar
Dave Wagner - Bass
Sean Eldridge - Drums

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