Lurking In The Dark


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: FULLMÅNE; independently unsigned, hailing from […]
By Craig Rider
May 19, 2021
Fullmåne - Lurking In The Dark album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: FULLMÅNE; independently unsigned, hailing from Norwegian grounds - performing Black Metal, on the debut album entitled: "Lurking In The Dark" (released March 20th, 2020).

Since formation in 2018; the soloist in question has a Demo entitled: "Pyroman" (released January 18th, 2018), "Haunting The Basement" (released January 18th, 2018). A Split entitled: "Fullmåne / Martelgang" (released December 4th, 2020), and this here debut album entitled: "Lurking In The Dark" of which I am introduced. 7 tracks ranging at around 23:23, FULLMÅNE arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Black Metal developments.

Opening up with a dark but blistering harmony; a rawly rough profanity shrieks through my speakers, where "The World Will Burn" snares with primitively razor-sharp shreds as consisting member Mad-Moonshine Mattis AKA Pyroman (Pyromaniac) performs on all instruments and the tormenting vocals of screaming malice...while surging with sturdy thuds & trembling reverberation of the drums implement a gnarly flamboyance of rumbling thunder - distilling a lo-fi calamity & 100% DIY diligence; the guitars fret with tight weightiness, grinding away with this trailblazing slash while distorted bombardments unleash this chiselling drill of static & thumpy stompiness on versatile vehemence that clash into a barrage frenzy in screeching tones that are as loud as a jet engine on berserking steroids.

"Cut Me Open" really does cut you open with this rip-roaring tone until rambunctious but hammering piledrives pummel you with more remedious laceration in killer panache, where outrè pipes revel with grovelling growls while outbursting towards quintessential virtuosity & ruthless pandemonium. The songwriting is like an agonizing harmony, as high-pitched barks yell with shouty aggression and extreme perseverance where raspy throatiness merge with the volatile precision of galloping frolics which chop frantically with the chugging dexterity this maelstrom of impressive craftsmanship ability distils eardrums with.

Sulfurous melodies progressively manifest with technical stability, yet the otherworldly noise within "Space1'' will make you cringe at the scouring momentum that will make you wonder the point of this excerpt? Atmospheric ambience? Perhaps, yet the intensity in that slab of solid racket will make you want to skip or keep the spacious void of emptiness going for brutality sake. This resonance will continue in Mad-Moonshine's guitar in the titular track, piercing through you with monolithic persistence & uniquely organic substance while stampeding drum and bass injects an infectiously driving swamp of venomous mobility.

"Break Away" conjures up a more savagely sinister swerve, rifting with unearthly ramifications of hefty but blasphemous eeriness in horrific deathliness. A harrowing rapture reflects with towering empowerments as mountainous musicianship showcases maddening thrash-punk mayhem. Where the Pyromaniac himself fabricates a borderline foundation in fierce firepower momentum that triggers with skyrocketing malformations of vigorous tonalities, on top of some rigorous synergies that jump with punchy rompiness & rampantly majestic speed. The penultimate track: "Addicted N Broke" examines choppy hooks and gripping rhythms until the overall concluding interlude "Space2" completes the record with more bizarre, but haunting and daunting hypnotism in eerie but blackened tribulation.

Bottom line; I am compelled to say that FULLMÅNE certainly outdone himself all on his own with "Lurking In The Dark, it's an acquired taste yet all Black Metal maniacs should discover a somewhat enjoyable experience and resonate with the troubles Pyromaniac suffers with within the songwriting that's offered. Not the best album, however... but it's a furiously distinguished flair in foreboding immensity that's quite impressive for a solo project. A distinctive bruiser in belting bangers that's worthy of spinning a couple of times, check it out...if you dare!

7 / 10









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"Lurking In The Dark" Track-listing:

1. The World Will Burn
2. Cut Me Open
3. Space1
4. Lurking In The Dark
5. Break Away
6. Addicted In Broke
7. Space2

Fullmåne Lineup:

Mad-Moonshine Mattis AKA Pyroman (Pyromaniac) - Everything

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