Mea Cupla

Frozen Wreath

What does a frozen wreath signify? A wreath is a symbol of victory, hope, and love. A frozen one suspends these elements forever. The band’s title reflects these feelings very well, and after I listen to it, I have to shake off the chill.
December 9, 2023

FROZEN WREATH is an Atmospheric Black Metal band formed in Hungary in 2020. This is the duo’s second album, and it has seven songs. “Az én vétkem” is first. It has a traditional Black Metal sound, in terms of treble production, a steady wall of a riff, and horrid sounding vocals. A clean interlude occupies the middle half of the song, offering a smooth change of pace to the intense Black Metal sound, and it finishes the way it started. “Vénülő kezek” is thickened with some solid bass guitar work, and a slower, and more depressing grind. Another clean interlude calms the sound, like the rain letting up just enough, and vocals hums put a stamp on the despondent sound.

“Szabadíts meg a gonosztól” has a steady dose of symphonic elements mixed into the vile green stew of Black Metal. Rough and speedy sections pepper the landscape at times, but it’s really the symphonic parts that bring the sound to life. “Az atya, a fiú...” is another slow and steady grind, with a cold and somber sound. The vocal chants and old school organ notes help to thicken up the sound as well as increase the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. “Nem felejtek” has an even dose of harrowing sounds that at times come from the vocals, guitars, and even bass. The song also uses the infamous “Devil’s Fifth” note in the riff.

The lengthy “Búcsúlevél” closes the album. It travels deep into dark territory of lost dreams, forgotten pain, and other bad remembrances that you thought were tucked away forever. The sounds of a woman sobbing are followed by spoken word, and despair outruns anger in this song. What does a frozen wreath signify? A wreath is a symbol of victory, hope, and love. A frozen one suspends these elements forever. The band’s title reflects these feelings very well, and after I listen to it, I have to shake off the chill.


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"Mea Cupla" Track-listing:

1. Az én vétkem

2. Megrepedt vályogfalak

3. Vénülő kezek

4. Szabadíts meg a gonosztól

5. Az atya, a fiú...

6. Nem felejtek

7. Búcsúlevél


Frozen Wreath Lineup:

Zoltán Szele – All Instruments

Roland Neubauer – Vocals


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