Warchants & Fairytales


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: FRETERNIA; signed via ROAR! Rock […]
By Craig Rider
May 18, 2023
Freternia - Warchants & Fairytales album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: FRETERNIA; signed via ROAR! Rock Of Angels records, hailing from Swedish grounds - performing Heavy Metal/Melodic Power Metal, on their debut full-length studio album entitled: "Warchants & Fairytales" (released March 24th, 2023). Since formation in 1998 (as EARTHCRAWL until 2002), the sextet in question have only 4 full-length studio albums in their discography so far entitled: "Warchants & Fairytales" of which I am introduced to... "A Nightmare Story" (released October 14th, 2002), an EP entitled: "Age Of War" (released October 14th, 2002), "The Gathering" (released June 14th, 2019) & "The Final Stand" (released November 18th, 2022) in their discography so far. 9 tracks ranging around 45 minutes; FRETERNIA arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Heavy Metal/Melodic Power Metal culminations.

Opening up with this cryptic introduction; static rattling within "Worst Of Enemies" starts off the record with symphonic metal tonality; where rampantly rompy rhythms thud with sturdy tightness & punchline rumbles, reverberating with rollicking rifts of melodic harmony. An ethereal yet operatic hymn chimes with versatile nimbleness & sonically seamless revs, while slabby solidities revel with rapidly nimble finesse from twinning powerhouses Patrik von Porat/Mikael Bakajev's systematic yet towering rips of shredding sulfurate. Weighty hooks fabricate a concretely gritty amplify, as bulldozing adrenaline surges with wildly rushing sharpness on uproarious meatiness that's organically thrilling whilst monolithically relentless... especially in "Ride With The Wind".

A fierce firepower expertise in dense impact frolics, chugs and gallops with unique substance whilst stampeding strife stridently showcases zestful momentum on killer rigour, forging a vigorous maelstrom technicality that's quintessential virtuoso whilst rampaging yet mighty. This profusely robust distinction in distinguished craftsmanship execution integrates a blistering but boisterously bouncy catchiness embedded, attributing a hybrid but experimental aesthetic for furore driving ferocity... as "War Of The Crown" compiles a dexterously dynamic element in implementing those synthetic strikes that pursuit with immersively intense foundations in bulldozing heft that's most mesmerising whilst majestic, while Pasi Humppi's vocals has a throaty panache to it... as his high-pitched pipes soar with shouty screams with prodigious stability, profound within "Mistress Of The Black Sea".

Flickering bass audibility from Tomas Wäppling thumps out raw yet piledriving precision, while steely yet stompy drum hammerings from Stefan Svantesson's rambunctious slams merge well with the salubrious keyboard injections from Tommie Johansson... notable within "Guardians Of The Night". A contrasting creativity fuses crescendo building tremolo patterns with an all guns trailblazing, where this vivacious repertoire of licks revolves through with a firing all cylinder grandiosity that masquerades with a grandeur mellifluent to it... as a polished sound production expertise delivers a prodigious perseverance on persistently enthralling developments that portray with mountainous sanguinity on a heavy, but buoyant ebullience into it.

Moving on, an angelic but steely precision harnesses a glorified empowerment in enriching euphonises... bombarding eardrums with mythical transparency that mesmerizes me with the venomous snappiness FRETERNIA captivate with - most delible in "Woods Of The Elven King" which speedily tramples you with driving excellence and entrancing grips. While the mystifying "Dragonsong" unravels this anthemic acoustic for diligently flexible ability in fundamental diversity that makes this record most rocking. Until the penultimate banger "Friends In Enemyland" yields this battle arming brim of sword wielding sweeps, and bashing stability...still merging those uniquely adapted choir-esque heralds that make this record so authentically enthusiastic whilst sublimely heavy.

Overall concluding "Warchants & Fairytales" with the finale epic "The Flame"; I am compelled to say that FRETERNIA most surely outdone themselves with this one, an enjoyably entertaining discovery should one fancy a healthy fix on some radically wicked yet justifiable Heavy Metal/Melodic Power Metal matriculations - worthy of spinning/re-playing a good few times, most definitely do check it out.

8 / 10









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"Warchants & Fairytales" Track-listing:

1. Worst Of Enemies
2. Ride With The Wind
3. War Of The Crown
4. Mistress Of The Deep Black Sea
5. Guardians Of The Night
6. Woods Of The Elven King
7. Dragonsong
8. Friends In Enemyland
9. The Flame

Freternia Lineup:

Pasi Humppi - (Vocals)
Patrik von Porat - (Guitars)
Mikael Bakajev - (Guitars)
Tomas Wäppling - (Bass)
Tommie Johansson - (Keys)
Stefan Svantesson - (Drums)

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