Blind Justice


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: FRENZY; signed via Underground Power Records, hailing […]
By Craig Rider
March 11, 2019
Frenzy - Blind Justice album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: FRENZY; signed via Underground Power Records, hailing from Spanish grounds - performing Heavy Metal, on their debut album entitled: "Blind Justice" (released February 4th, 2019).

Since formation in 2015; this 5-piece band in question have an EP, and this here debut album entitled: "Blind Justice" in their discography so far. 11 tracks ranging at around 48:19; FRENZYarrange a barraged frenzy of intricately designed developments of boistrously bouncy Heavy Metal distinctions, the titular track begins the record - conveying amplified adrenaline, catchy creativity with an amalgamation of diversely dynamic culminations of deadly domination converged with flamboyantly composed manifestions of meticulous rhythms and relentlessly sonic seemlessness. Demonstrating a contrast of crunchy captivation, prodegiously persistent stampedes of rampaging onslaughts of wonderously weighty thunder. So far, concretely gnarly grit engaged on flair and adroit aesthetics in which groove with organic substance.

Consisting of frontman Antony Stephenon vocals; who distributes consistently clean pipes of profusely robust screams of venegeful variety, ultilized of versatile technicalities - progressed with proficiently quintessential savagery. "From Hell" embellishes on experimental complexity; dextrous guitar riffs and solos from duo Víctor DíazLuis Pinedo, attributing enlightening hooks in which blister with fierce firepower and expertise. "Killing With A Smile" establishes efficient shredding with rip-roaring remedies that rambunctiously rivet with speeding charges of diligently forged craftsmanship; implementing inventively jumpy haste, harmonically malicious melodies and a borderline foundation of finesse and skillful stability - showcasing salubriously sophisticated remarkability that is uniquely unprecedented.

Audible bassist Angel Muñoz "Choco"batters his axe with constructively distinguished fabrications; "Save Me" elements hammering contributions, from powerhouse drummer David Ontanayapounding and pummelling with meaty precision - juxtaposed with solid slabs of sinister rawness, stomped with rough hostility. "Twilight Of The Sapiens" pursuits with more vehement hymns of hardened heaviness; comprised into fulfilling velocity that slams with strength, technique and vigourous songwriting originality that is surprisingly memorable and enjoyably entertaining - injecting infectiously inventive grandures of virtuoso performances. Conjuring collectively chaotic chugs, galloping mayhem - subjugated with systematic thrashing, transistioned and balanced with frolicking characteristics in which converge symphonic terror with sufficiently detailed results.

"We Are The Future" excels with rapidly swift nimbleness; snappy skill, and volatile executions - striking with extraordinary and impressively immersive intensities in which contrast and capture lacerating sharpness. "Velocity" is in the title, speeding with sonically old-school machinations while submerging a modernized rift to it. Equipped with an energetic arsenal; FRENZYprovide riveting thunder, rocking and revolved evolutions of killer licks – instrumentation and marvellous musicianship. "Mad Ball" is another behemoth; fuelled with monstrous malignance, sporty shines that's a prerequisite of traditional Heavy Metal madness. "Waiting On Your Call" is a bit of an anthem; punchlined with prestigious maliciousness, kicked with obscure ensembles of orchestral havoc.

"Annihilated By My Sound" overarchs with more pandemonium; possessed with ritualistic hysteria, wildly rushing regulations that stimulate the soul with prominent supremacy. Overall concluding "Blind Justice" with the finale track: "Shred Or Die"; I am compelled to say that FRENZYcertainly outdone themselves with this one, and the bottom line comprises of an exceeding brilliant record that all headbangers shall enjoy indeed!<

8 / 10









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"Blind Justice" Track-listing:

1. Blind Justice
2. From Hell
3. Killing with a Smile
4. Save Me
5. Twilight of the Sapiens
6. We Are the Future
7. Velocity
8. Mad Ball
9. Waiting on Your Call
10. Annihilated by My Sound
11. Shred or Die

Frenzy Lineup:

Anthony Stephen- Vocals
Angel Muñoz "Choco"- Bass
Víctor Díaz- Guitars
Luis Pinedo- Guitars
David Ontanaya- Drums

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