Forsaken World
November 23, 2014

So a little something different here folks, a mixture of Death Melodic and Metalcore, Really a very interesting mixture if you ask me but hey it's always grand to experiment with ideas, hence the freedom of music.
So without further delay, this is "Fragments"!
We start off with the first track of the album "And End Never Came". We start this song off with the sound of echoing footsteps closing in further and further as if the person in question was in a tunnel, as the steps get closer the start to resemble the sound of a ticking clock, to accompany this sound we hear the sound of a radio stating that a war has been declared adding a dramatic effect to the opening of this song and giving what I can really say is a very disturbing effect as it does kind of play on the mind for me. as it continues we hear this very faint piano being played in the back, now if you ask me this is truly one Doomy opening in terms that the band have been able to mix together some of the most mind bending sounds that could be thought of and all I have to say is brilliant idea guys.
We now come to the second track of this album, "Electroshock". Now compared to the first this track is a fast paced concentrated treat of precision and power brought into one whole idea and brings home a aggressive vocal style which blends very well with everything else, with what this opening is it shows that these guys mean business when it comes to bringing it hard. As it continues we see how these guys have been able to combine different elements into their style of playing, though if you ask me I think that the vocals are the one thing holding this track down a bit. Don't get me wrong, it is a fine piece of music that is able to appeal to a wide audience but it just seems that they could have been done better for this type of composition.
To conclude. I think that it is a very strong album but in a lot of ways it does seem very ordinary. There are moments where these guys are able to bring something interesting into the pot. The album in general is impressive by the standard of guitar being played and the skill that they show as well as effort and I think that is what really counts for this record, hard work and effort have been put into this and that shows that there are still some tricks these guys have left to show.
So I would say check these guys out and see if they meet your taste, you never know until you try, but I can say that although this isn't really the kind of band I'm normally into I can appreciate good old fashioned hard work so on that note good work guys and I look forward to seeing how the future treats you all.
5 / 10

"Fragments" Track-listing:
1. And End Never Came
2. ElectroShock
3. Rise for a Better Collapse
4. Ashes of Your Past Beliefs
5. Expect Us
6. Porn Generation
7. Define Your Priorities
8. Deadlight's Station
9. Jigsaw
10. For Love of Yesterday
11. Our Own Society
12. Fragments of a Modern Extinct Era
Forsaken World Lineup:
Flyshredd - Guitars
Stelio "Dyp" Pagani - Vocals
Stigma - Bass
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