Either Caesars Or Nothing
November 2, 2009
This is a really fresh band counting four years since the day of its formation. FOMENTO come from Italy with some great momentum that is imprinted in audio in Either Caesars Or Nothing. Although the Roman helmet in the artwork and the title imply that this would be a Power/Heavy Metal album the opening track The Die Is Cast (another Roman inspired element) reveales the strong Metalcore foundations.
I believe I have written many times where I stand with all this 'core' movements so I will only say that I hardened my heart and gave this album the listening sessions it is deserved. Either Caesars Or Nothing hides absolutely no surprise; the tracks are riff based with the obvious influences from SLAYER and the other famous 'core' bands like CHIMAIRA. Of course, there is the trademark absence of guitar solos (although The 13th Demon has a short one) and the in-you-face attitude in the growling/screaming vocals. The music is not based on the boring exchange of groove breaks and meaningless tempo changes; there is a strong Thrash backbone in the vein of the late SLAYER with minor Gothenburg sound addition (you can call them THE HAUNTED finishing touches). The band has put a lot of effort to bring power in the music and has succeeded with blessing of an excellent sound production. Kill Fashioncore is one of the album's highlight since it is focused on the Emocore movement and all the trendy sub-genre spawned by it. you should visit the band's myspace and enjoy the photo showing the band ready to kill an Emo fan who is cuffed! As it usually happens with similar albums there in not much diversity here and the songs have the tendency to look alike. In this direction also work the vocals that seem to follow the over-used recipe of scream-my-lungs-out.
The bottom line is that FOMENTO might find a place to rise in this crowded scene that is slowly but steadily self-restricting the music created. I just feel that this scene has reached a dead end and desperately needs fresh ideas to move on or else....
5 / 10
"Either Caesars Or Nothing" Track-listing:
The Die Is Cast
Pandora's Box
The 13th Demon
Kill Fashioncore
Welcome To The Brotherhood
The End Of The Republic
Cotard's Syndrome
The Egyptian March
Burial At Sea
Fomento Lineup:
Marco Krasinski - Vocals, Bass
Matteo Deathbreed - Drums
Manuel Headcutter Minerva - Lead Guitar
Fabrizio Dr. Hate Damiani - Guitar
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