
First Aid

FIRST AID are a great no nonsense Thrash Metal band from Germany, and with a […]
By Saxon Davids
January 8, 2015
First Aid - Nursed album cover

FIRST AID are a great no nonsense Thrash Metal band from Germany, and with a fairly impressive back catalogue of two albums and a split EP with EXPLORER, they are possibly one of the best Thrash bands to come out of Germany in their generation. And as of recent, they have made their return and released a hospitalising brutal new album "Nursed", full of speed, energy and aggression from start to finish, including a track to honour and tribute Chuck Norris; What more could you ask for in a thrash album!?

Admittedly, I had to roll my eyes slightly during the first few seconds of the first track, "Horror of War" with their use of the sampled quote, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" from the movie 'Apocalypse Now', since I'm sure every thrasher out there knows that Legendary thrashers SODOM did the same thing back in 2001; I figured that was some kind of tribute to those guys or something, so I looked past that after hearing the intensity that is FIRST AID. This album takes pride in its ability to grab you by the throat as soon as it kicks off, and the band have you in the palm of their hand throughout every track. The production on this album is also of a pretty outstanding quality; all instruments and vocals seem to have been mixed very carefully to really give the music an extra push and sound as crushing as it can possibly sound. I really love the guitar work on this album and some of the riffs and solos are amazing; these musicians seem to be bleeding talent around every turn of this record! The only thing I will say is that it took me a fair few listens to get used to each song since it literally never stops thrashing, which I find can sometime diminish an album; as much as speed is great, diversity is needed to not make everything feel too similar and therefore fall short of consistency which runs the risk of a bored listener. That's just a personal low point however; I'm sure there are people out there who love non-stop speed, quite right too if it's a band as intense, interesting and talented as FIRST AID!<

7 / 10


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"Nursed" Track-listing:

1. Horror of War
2. Chained to Die
3. Lifetime Torment
4. Fill The Void
5. Hit By Shit
6. Suicide Moshpit
7. Dead Again
8. Grimace of Lies
9. Missing In Action
10. Rise of the Dead

First Aid Lineup:

Christoph Carl - Vocals
Sascha Habel - Bass
Johannes Scheffler - Guitars
Max Scheffler - Drums
Stephan Kern - Guitars

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