Where Humanity Ends

Fierce Cult

Spanish Metal is not something that get enough plaudits at times I feel, and when […]
By Will Travers
January 9, 2022
Fierce Cult - Where Humanity Ends album cover

Spanish Metal is not something that get enough plaudits at times I feel, and when you consider the strength of some of their bands, ANGELUS APATRIDA, I'm looking at you! It's surprising that they aren't in conversation more often. So, let's look at today's subject. FIERCE CULT a Thrash trio that are taking the underground by storm, and no one is safe! They have come in with their release "Where Humanity Ends" to some pretty rave reviews, so I am seriously looking forward to what is to come. The artwork is gruesome, something apocalyptic and horrific that would stand out in any collection.

Opening the record is "The Beginning..." And it is a bold introduction to, steady and pounding as it rolls into "One Shot, One Death". Hard hitting and breathless riffs, accentuated with uncommon, almost Proggy time signature changes, it stands out from any sort of Thrash I have heard for some time. It's ticking all my boxes and I am loving this listen through! "Anger" is another solid track, fast paced and bags full of aggression it is everything that a Thrash track should be, but then it is also so much more. Twinges of Death, Prog and some of the newer Thrash nuances are catapulting this musically to a new level.

The titular "Where Humanity Ends" continues along these themes and one can only feel that FIERCE CULT has thrown everything, including the kitchen sink into their production and writing processes. It is rally quite refreshing though, as I often feel that some tracks can be quite busy and overproduced to try and be the perfect example of their chosen genre. But this track in particular stood out to me, it came across as a delightful merge between old and new school MACHINE HEAD, a sound that is very difficult to successfully achieve, and I take my hat off to them for it.

"There's Something In My Dreams" is once again nailing all of my markers, and I just want to get up and throw around. This music was made to be heard live, it was made to be played loud and hard to a venue full of energetic and intense fans that only builds the tracking's intense and brutal atmosphere. "...Of The End" might not be the high octane and breathless finish that some bands go for. But for me it was an elegant and beautiful way to finish out the album in quite a memorable fashion.
Overall, I found the album to be superb and one of my highlights of 2021. In all honesty, what a way to end the year for my reviewing. My partner too, often she suffers through me blasting music whilst I write and I will sometimes ask her opinion as a bit of a die hard Electro fan her words were 'Vocals are a bit shouty for me, but the music is good!' and trust me, that is high praise from her.

I'm looking forward to seeing where the future takes FIERCE CULT and I can only hope to see them touring the UK sometime in the not too distant future.

10 / 10









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"Where Humanity Ends" Track-listing:

1. The Beginning...
2.One Shot, One Death
3. Share My Death
4. Choose Your Gun
5. Anger
6. Broken Glass
7. Where Humanity Ends
8. Feed On Fear
9. Bite The Hand
10. There's Something In My Dreams
11. Blood
12. ...Of The End

Fierce Cult Lineup:

Koko - Vocal / Guitar
David Rivilla - Guitar
Jorge Molano - Drums

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