Mysterium Tremendum Et Fascinans
Fides Inversa
December 12, 2014

Greetings earthlings and headbanger's all over the world! I bring you my DEBUT review to MT and it's an honour and privilege to be reviewing such a majestic album that has had a impact on me since listening to it for entire week. LETS DO THIS!! I have to start by talking about the influences that band has on this album, such bands SLAYER, MAYHEM, EMPEROR, GORGOROTH are such a stomped sound through this entire record FIDES INVERSA certainly gave birth to a masterpiece of brutality.
The tracklist is a lucky number seven songs of awesomeness that deliver with such intensity it grips you by the throat like being tortured by a chainsaw, the first song "I" a simple instrumental that very much sounds like Mayhem - Freezing Moon, and the song is beautiful in a striking, intricate way. It's definitely a great opening track for the rest of the album to shine.
When listening to "II" I hear a very excessive influence of Slayer - Hell Awaits and it just so majestic the song makes you feel like you went fifty rounds with Undertaker, "II" is that brutally heavy and without a doubt more than capable to mosh to and get your head snapped off I picture the circle pits already!! I love the fast paced feel of this song so much that its stuck in my head for this whole week, its really brutal!!
"Mysterium Tremendum Et Fascinans" is powered by absolute ass-kicking powerful guitar riffage and track "III" has such a evil sound to scare even a new-born goat being sacrificed to Lucifer himself. "III" by far is my favourite on the album; the operatic classical choir part kicks in at 06:04. It kind of fades inwards, not outwards, if you know what I mean, other than influences like SLAYER and MAYHEM this album /band also has a lot of classical influences too despite the fact there is little orchestration involved but that does not take away anything from the songs at all.
Track "IV" comes flooding in with ferocious intensity and sheer speed and blast beats, GORGOROTH and DARK FUNERAL influence the song greatly and I mean a lot; it's heavily heard in the guitar and drum sound. Twelve minute black metal epic I do believe is unheard of and if this occasion is the first then that is a crowning achievement!! Halfway through "IV" we get another beautiful choir piece like we do in "III" words do not do justice how majestic it sounds; the choir piece continues until the heavy stuff comes in again and then finishes its like three songs in one track!
"V" Creeps in very nicely with an epic start; this is the DARK FUNERAL/EMPEROR of the album that's just a slow black metal epic that just grabs you by the balls and sends shivers up your spine. If you get to the 4:42 mark in the song there is this Richard Wagner-influenced orchestration piece; good-gravy its beautiful and this piece caught me completely by surprise! I did try to find out if an actual orchestra or pro-tools was done on this piece but no luck I'm afraid, other than that its just one of those black metal epics that has a very big sound!
Now we get to "VI" has a great sound of its own simple complexity without going overboard which I love greatly, powerful sound huge riffs; it seems with "VI" FIDES INVERSA came up with a fitting statement of a song that will very clearly influence the black metal genre for the future and conquer the world!
Well now we've come to the final masterpiece of majestic-awesomeness on the album! "VII" This is like a continuation of "I" rather technical for black metal which is rarely heard in the genre but never the less its 11:43 seconds of pure bliss. The evil creepy sounds at the end of the song are superb this whole album is absolutely a instant black metal classic so all I have to say is BUY OR DIE!!
10 / 10

"Mysterium Tremendum Et Fascinans" Track-listing:
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI
7. VII
Fides Inversa Lineup:
Omega-A.D. - Drums, Vocals
Void-A.D. - Guitars, Bass
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