The Queen Of Kings


Coming from their first release since returning from a hiatus in 2013, FAYNE have expressed […]
By Isha Shah
December 15, 2014
Fayne - The Queen Of Kings album cover

Coming from their first release since returning from a hiatus in 2013, FAYNE have expressed all fury with "The Queen Of Kings", packed into 5 small songs to make this short little EP.
With raw flavors exposed in this collection, the quintet has created a monstrous noise.

Opening with their self titled, the track reaches for a steady build up before Joseph Espinosa's vocals blast through in rough tones that compliant the rapid guitar riff. Matched with cleans in the chorus the track does bring a sense of generic to the table of metal core, however the band have taken a heavier plunge to this.

Followed up by an even faster paced track, "Believers" dominate a heavy ground with their vibrating djents. Stronger in sent, this track does prove to hold some level of talent as the cleans are left hidden, which is for the best. Halfway through and "Isonic Flight" places a short interlude break which settles the EP down, balancing the intensity that is blasted before picking up the pace with a follow-up track that starts off with cleans.

Closing all open doors with "Nomad's Land" shut, a touching metal sound is amplified here, stand strong from  "The Queen Of Kings". With guest vocals from Karl Schubach, it adds to the songs finishing. Packed with a gnarly howl of voices, echoed in lyrics, this track does bring a traditional sent of metal music.

All in all the EP does mark a great return for FAYNE, progressing in sound to release a heavier solid piece of work, however it still has yet to reach that polished stage.<

5 / 10


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"The Queen Of Kings" Track-listing:

1. The Queen of Kinds
2. Believers
3. Isonic Flight
4. Concord
5. Nomad's Land

Fayne Lineup:

Alex Gonzalez - Guitar
Chris Kasp - Bass
Joseph Espinosa - Vocals
Nick Fazioli - Guitars
Carlo De Iuliis - Drums

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