
Fateful Finality

Sometimes when you scroll through your music in search of something to listen to, you […]
By Jacob Dawson
April 5, 2015
Fateful Finality - Battery album cover

Sometimes when you scroll through your music in search of something to listen to, you just want something that's balls-to-the-walls that you can enjoy simply because it's got a few good riffs in it and an angry bloke shouting. It doesn't necessarily matter what he's shouting about, or why he's angry, it just matters that he's sharing your emotion, and you want to hold onto that. That is part of the reason why international Metal remains relevant to us as fans, because we listen to the lyrics of the guitar as much as the person.

For German band FATEFUL FINALITY, this is surely the case with many of their fans. Yes, they sing in English, but the vocals are so guttural and mixed in with the guitars so evenly that the lyrics matter little; they're mainly personal to the band, for fans to join in with if they care to Google them. The main emphasis of the band is clearly on the guitars, which are different in every track- a feat in itself. They consistently switch up their riff and support each other through various tempos, overpowering the bass, it should probably be mentioned.

The titular "Get Things Straight" is a high point, with the intro getting straight into the action and maintaining it throughout. "Never There" stands out with its unique style in the album, the drums very much being the backbone of the song and the guitars playing off of them. "Misfits" contains some group chanting that's actually easy to sing along to, and "Rite" plays with its tempos a lot by experimenting with some simple drumming styles to mix things up a bit. The result is a heavy monstrosity of a song, that's a possible standout of the release.

It's often tempting to avoid looking deeper into the music scene where bands like this lie in relative obscurity, when we have so many good bands to choose from who are fortunate enough to constantly be in the spotlight. Occasionally however, we come across a group like this who deserve so much more coverage than they get and it's heartening, to say the least. It reassures us that metal is still going strong, and we are not short of talent as a genre. This is one band I can easily imagine moshing to someday, and I sincerely hope that it comes to pass.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Battery" Track-listing:

1. Possession
2. Get Things Straight
3. Dirt in the Closet
4. Never There
5. Facades
6. Misfits
7. Rite
8. Unchained
9. Under Pressure
10. Suck Me Dry
11. Remain In Mind

Fateful Finality Lineup:

Simon - Vocals & Guitars
Patrick - Vocals & Guitars
Philipp - Bass
Mischa - Drums

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