

In the middle of the 90's, Black Metal bands started to expand limits using keyboards […]
August 2, 2019
False - Portent album cover

In the middle of the 90's, Black Metal bands started to expand limits using keyboards parts. BURZUM could be said the pioneer in this aspect, but didn't used all the ample range of possibilities like EMPEROR did on "In the Nightside Eclipse" and "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk", that are the true cornerstones for such important feature. And trying to sound like a Black Metal from the past is the North American quintet FALSE, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, storming with "Portent", their second full length.

There are two important things to be written about their music: the first is that FALSE's singer is a woman, and it gives a different set of vocal tunes to their work. The second is that they're not a Symphonic Black Metal band, but a Black Metal band with melodic influences in the same vein of SATYRICON on their classic era when "The Shadowthrone" was released. So their music isn't something really new, but their insight is different, so for those fans that miss the old days of the 90's, when everything was crude and new, this album is for you.

Adam Tucker is the name of the producer of "Portent", and the one who assisted to the recording, as the one who made the mixing and mastering. The sound quality is really raw as those earlier works from Sweden and Norway's Black Metal scenes sounded. It matches on what the band does, but could be a bit better, because the dirty nasty instrumental tunes has the tendency to entangle on each other.

It's an album with three songs (the last one is just a short postlude), so be prepared for some long songs (all of them last more than 10 minutes). But "A Victual to Our Dead Selves" (very good guitars and keyboards' parts are presented on this one), the brutal and sinister "Rime on the Song of Returning" (there are excellent changes of ambiances created by the guitars, but the bass guitar and drums are doing a good work as well due the tempo changes) and "The Serpent Sting, the Smell of Goat" (that shows a good technical diversity, along with very good shrieks from the vocals) are truly fine pieces of Black Metal music, but maybe shorter songs would work in a better shape. It's very good, but could be even better.

FALSE seems to be experienced, but maybe a better sound quality with a cleaner approach (just a bit cleaner) and some shorter songs will be a good bet. For now, "Portent" is really a good experience.

7 / 10









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"Portent" Track-listing:

1. A Victual to Our Dead Selves
2. Rime on the Song of Returning
3. The Serpent Sting, the Smell of Goat
4. Postlude

False Lineup:

Rachel - Vocals
Skorpian Vanderbrook - Guitars
Niko - Bass
Kishel - Keyboards
Travis - Drums

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