Believe In No Coming Shore
Falls of Rauros
November 28, 2014

Immediately when listening to Fall of Rauros' third full-length album "Believe in No Coming Shore" you can imagine it being the soundtrack to an epic fantasy movie. The instrumental "Blue Misshapen Dusk" definitely fits with this and starts the album off with a Folk Metal taste which is only added onto by second track "Ancestors of Shadow", which although continues the folk-esque sound it does add a Death Metal edge with the high pitch screeching vocals.
The majority of the songs on the album are extremely long, 2 being almost 10 minutes in length. For any album to attempt this then all those involved must have faith that the music they're creating is worth paying attention to for so long, and in my opinion they're not far off. I wouldn't say "Believe in No Coming Shore" is a life altering album but I would say it is definitely worth listening to, even it does take up a bit of your time. The album has a beautiful sound, especially instrumentals "Blue Misshapen Dusk" and "Believe in No Coming Shore". Whilst there isn't many vocal parts in the album the instrumental work is genius and you won't get bored even if there is only a few vocals spread out across a song, or in fact the whole album, the perfect song to demonstrate this is "Waxen Voice".
All in all "Believe in No Coming Shore" is an album worthy of your time. While only 6 tracks long it does leave an impression on you that will leave you wanting to listen to more of the band's music, which I suggest you do. The tone is something you can listen to, no matter the mood, and just feel relaxed and peaceful towards the end of it. I'd say this that band are talented in what they do, they didn't make just another Death Metal whereas they haven't yet made something ground breaking. I, for one, am excited to see what more they have to offer in the future and see if they continue with the folk inspired sound their third album seems to have.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Believe In No Coming Shore" Track-listing:
1. Blue Misshapen Dusk
2. Ancestors of Shadow
3. Ancestors of Smoke
4. Waxen Voice
5. Spectral Eyes
6. Believe in No Coming Shore
Falls of Rauros Lineup:
No Instruments Listed
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