Sheen And Misery


Ezkaton, well there doesn't seem to be a lot known about these composers and that […]
By Cullen Baldridge
September 15, 2019
Ezkaton - Sheen And Misery album cover

Ezkaton, well there doesn't seem to be a lot known about these composers and that seems to be their prerogative.

"Altars Of Flames" has really simple bass lines that everything else seems to build from, kind of feel like I'm listening to a scene of a play as I listen to this song. "Fall From The Darkness Above" has some cool guitars, the drums seem to fill in the cracks smoothly, musically everything seems to be laid back with some heaviness incorporated here and there with Death Metal vocals. "Last Breath" also as well as every song as of yet seems to be built from sound, rather than vocals and to be honest, I could live without the vocals and left alone to take the journey on my own. "The Ash Path Is Laid In The Shade" seems to me to have somewhat of classical guitars with Death Metal vocals infused together, the vocals are pretty limited once again.

"Luring Needle" has an occult vibe going on, it has for lack of a better term at the moment, an evil type of preaching. "Wisdom" is basically structured the same as every song that has come before it. "Weave Your World" is basically the first song on what is deemed as the second part of the album, I was in hopes of something different, there is subtle differences but more or less carries on from what is known as part one. "Fading Abyss" yep we have skipped along to the last song and not sure what to say here other than the guy is a talented guitarist.

"Sheen And Misery" is somewhat limited on vocals throughout the album, In my opinion, it would have been better off as an Instrumental.

5 / 10









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"Sheen And Misery" Track-listing:

1. Altars Of Flame
2. Fall From The Darkness Above
3. Last Breath
4. The Ash Path Is Laid In The Shade
5. Luring Needle
6. Wisdom
7. Torture By Solitude
8. Intro To Part two
9. Weave Your World
10. Bleeding Eyes
11. Land Of Dishonest Rot
12. Fading Abyss

Ezkaton Lineup:


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