Dear Insanity

Eye Of Solitude

Many argue that Doom Metal tracks are often too long; in most cases I can […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
December 11, 2014
Eye Of Solitude - Dear Insanity album cover

Many argue that Doom Metal tracks are often too long; in most cases I can concur that is correct. Especially with the latest release from EYE OF SOLITDUDE.

I myself have never personally been familiar with EYE OF SOLITUDE's work until only recently when I listened to their latest release "Dear Insanity". Quite one of the most complex, yet intriguing pieces of work I have ever come across.

Hailing from London this Death Doom quintet has been impacting the metal community since 2010. With releases such as "The Ghost", "Awoken By Crows" and "Canto III" under their belts, they appear to be building quite a discography.

The EP is just one extended composition of despair, misery and wretchedness; in this case this is a huge compliment. It certainly illustrates the track name perfectly as I think anyone listening to this will just be welcoming their insanity into their humble abode with open arms.

This particular track encompasses many elements that build an atmosphere of depression and sadness; including the somber guitars, haunting backing track adding to the beauty and depth of this complex mystery. Quite frankly after listening to this feat I did wonder if I was to come out of this insanity that this track drives you towards.

Overall verdict: for me personally it didn't sit well and I struggled to listen to the EP maybe because I am not used to their work and this is my first experience and I think it will grow on me.  However I think in terms of what a Death Doom metal track is set out to do it works very well and I think longtime fans of the band will enjoy this.


6 / 10

Had Potential

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"Dear Insanity" Track-listing:

1. Dear Insanity

Eye Of Solitude Lineup:

Daniel Neagoe - Vocals
Steffan Gough - Guitars
Mark Antoniades - Guitars
Adriano Ferraro - Drums
Chris Davies - Bass

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