I Am God


EXORCISM is a Doom Metal act formulated by Csaba Zvekan and with their debut album […]
By Dan Mailer
March 2, 2014
Exorcism - I Am God album cover

EXORCISM is a Doom Metal act formulated by Csaba Zvekan and with their debut album "I Am God", full of gritty riffs and crushing grooves, the band proves they have a flair for creativity and heaviness.

The album opens with "End Of Days", and it's straight to business here, with a full on riff assault from the very beginning. The song as a whole is really well performed, a powerful start to affairs, every musician works really well together and the vocals are awesome here, with a nice angry sound with plenty of melody too. Title track "I Am God" is up next and this is another awesome track with plenty of groove to it, and some more awesome vocals. The band thunders onwards to make this another awesome track, it picks up pace later on and gets even heavier about midway through!

This is an album full of really awesome material, with the melancholic sounds of songs like "Exorcism", with its powerful and emotive chorus and meaty riffs blending seamlessly with more upbeat rockers like "Higher", with its speedier feel to it and a definite driving sound.

There are quite a few highlights on this already quite strong album. "Stay In Hell" is a great track that starts off with some nice synth stuff before blasting into the track itself, a song with lots of powerful riffs and a really strong chorus yet again. The riffs work really well in this song and the rhythm section really supports the overall strength of this quite dynamic song. Another great moment is "Master Of Evil" with is awesome bass intro that grooves on underneath chugging guitars and a furious lead vocal that once again is really well performed.

The album ends with the song "Zero G" and this one has a really cool BLACK SABBATH feel to it, particularly reminiscent of something like "Children Of The Grave" if it had been written with Tony Martin in mind instead of Ozzy. The track stands on its merits though with strong riffage and a really powerful vocal performance and the style of the band itself is stamped nicely on this one as a great finish to the album.

The production is spot on here, with powerful drums and nice audible bass providing a fantastic rhythm section upon which heavy guitars chug and the awesome lead vocals soar.

Overall, this is such a strong album! The band gels together really well to form a really powerful sound that should stick with fans of the genre, and the songs are all really well written and full of awesome moments and riffs.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"I Am God" Track-listing:

1. End Of Days
2. I Am God
3. Voodoo Jesus
4. Last Rock N Roll
5. Master Of Evil
6. Exorcism
7. Higher
8. Stay In Hell
9. Fade The Day
10. Zero G

Exorcism Lineup:

Csaba Zvekan - Vocals
Joe Stump - Guitars
Lucio Manca - Bass
Garry King - Drums

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