Cold Death Embrace


"From the depths of the underground, EXHAUSTION is Old School Metal in the style of […]
March 26, 2022
Exhaustion - Cold Death Embrace album cover

"From the depths of the underground, EXHAUSTION is Old School Metal in the style of the masters. Five tracks of fast and loud heavy metal for fans of DARKTHRONE, CELTIC FROST, and SODOM." "Heavy Metal Hikers" leads off the album. The heavy and fast-moving riff suggests Death or even Thrash Metal. The vocals somewhere in between...but the riff is nothing that you haven't heard before. Yikes. This re-hashed sound is complete unnecessary within the modern annals of music.

"The Pale Horse Named Death" isn't much better. The band plays with the energy of MOTORHEAD but the sound is just unimaginative and copy-cat of thousands of other bands that came before them. The bass work is well done but often drowned out by the pounding drums and guitars. "Midnight Sasquatch" features a Thrash Metal sound where the chorus is really non-existent. Shouts and returned shouts of the title track are all that you can consider a chorus. "Entrenched Skies" opens with meaty bass notes that lead to a riff that lays on the open E chord. This is often something that too many bands over rely on for might and power. Sure, the chord is a great staple of Metal, but please, move forward.

"War Flags" begins with a slower groove. It then segues to another fast-moving song that sounds like older SLAYER meets older VENOM. But need I remind you that these bands have existed now for close to 40 years? "Old School" Metal is just another name for re-hashed, uninventive music that really has no business in today's Metal scene. I am not sure if this is campy music designed for fun and laughter or if the band is really serious about their sound. Either way, you can safely skip this album as it offers nothing in the advancement of Metal music.

4 / 10

Nothing special








"Cold Death Embrace" Track-listing:

1. Heavy Metal Hikers
2. The Pale Horse Named Death
3. Midnight Sasquatch
4. Entrenched Skies
5. War Flags

Exhaustion Lineup:

Elia M - Harsh Guitars & Exhausted Vocals
Federico "V" - Bass Guitar & Low End Domination
Luca L. - Drums & Chaos

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