Dead Calm Chaos


I don't know what's happening the last days, but as it seems everywhere I turn […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
December 1, 2008
Evocation - Dead Calm Chaos album cover

I don't know what's happening the last days, but as it seems everywhere I turn I come across Dan Swano. Many releases feature this known and talented musician as a producer, a member of the band's line up or a guest musician. Anyway, that's something that can be only positive since this man turns to gold everything he touches. The Midas of Death Metal? Maybe...

The fact is that I guess EVOCATION don't need this magic touch to create something good. They have been around since 1991, but unfortunately they were put on ice in the autumn of 1993 due to musical differences. The good news came in 2004 when EVOCATION were raised from the dead and their two legendary demos from 1992 were put together and released as a full-length album. Since then, the band released one more full-length work in 2007 entitled Tales From The Tomb.

Well, EVOCATION return with one more new album through Cyclone Empire Records and as it seems this time there is nothing that can stop this killing machine. The Swedish butchers are here with probably their best album to date, since Dead Calm Chaos can be described as pure fucking chaos! I guess that the band is full of Metal hunger from this long time they were inactive. The riffs fucking kill and I really mean that! Almost every single riff is like a hammer smashing down your brain with heaviness and good old Swedish rotten groove. With a sound similar to bands like ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER and UNLEASHED, these guys will definitely make you a bit nostalgic, although the European Death Metal days seems to return with many quality releases from the specific terrain.

Let's take a look at each member individually. Josefsson is a growling beast; a musician that carries the CEMETARY name needs no praising from me. Vesa and Marko, well... I bow before them since these two prove that they are probably one of the best guitar duets in the Swedish Death Metal scene. Take a closer look at them and your face will definitely be melted! Janne reminds me a lot of UNLEASHED's Schultz. They have the same groovy style of playing while being absolute schizos when it comes to furious Death Metal outbreaks. As for the new guy, Toresson, he proves that the band did a really good move choosing him since his playing fits like a glove to Janne's drum manifesto, creating a rhythm section that many known Metal titans will be jealous of!

All in all, Dead Calm Chaos seems to help EVOCATION claim their own position among the Gods of European Death Metal. Are they good enough to continue what they created with their new album in the future? Time will tell, but until then let's stay to this magnificent sample of pure brutality.

PS: I guess that the guest appearances need no comments. These two musicians have already proven their worth to the Metal scene, and they just add an excellent scent of success to this album!

8 / 10


"Dead Calm Chaos" Track-listing:

In The Reign Of Chaos
Silence Sleep
Angel Of Torment (Feat. Anders Bjorler)
Dead Calm Chaos
Truth Will Come Clear
Protected By What Gods
Antidote (Feat. Dan Swano)
Tomorrow Has No Sunrise
Astray Masquerade
Razored To The Bone (Feat. Anders Bjorler)

Evocation Lineup:

Thomas Josefsson - Vocals
Vesa Kenttakumpu - Guitars
Marko Palmen - Guitars
Martin Toresson - Bass
Janne K. Boden - Drums

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