Bring Out The Gimp

Ever Since

Apparently, six long years ago a band by the name of EVER SINCE had made its way […]
By Keith "Zirra" Ham
January 9, 2014
Ever Since - Bring Out The Gimp album cover

Apparently, six long years ago a band by the name of EVER SINCE had made its way out of the woodwork - or the Swiss Alps to be specific. They made two acclaimed albums and disappeared, without a trace it seemed - their vague breed of Nu Metal meets METALLICA forever lost in those snowy peaks... until now. I'll admit that I was never ever privy to the original sound of EVER SINCE, partially due to the idea of foreign music being something I never really thought about until far later in life, but from hearing "Bring Out The Gimp" - I admit I feel like I was a bit left out.

I'm not kidding when I say that EVER SINCE's "Bring Out The Gimp" brings forth a sort of 'Nu Metal meets METALLICA feel. The band sort of feels like its some missing link in the METALLICA timeline, a much needed change in direction that they would have needed. However, EVER SINCE can totally hold on its own even without comparison to more well-known metal-based tyrants. The band sort of balances it's brand of heavy is an off-kilter way - no doubt being something totally heavy to anyone new to metal music, bringing forth some totally brain blistering intensity for sure - pounding double-bass drum pedals, amazing riffs, electronic bits, and extremely (extremely!) well-done vocals by front-man Pedro. But it doesn't ever take things too far, making sure that the album is pushed off into the shelves of obscurity... though never reaches mediocrity either.

Sadly, there are some minor problems with this release. Namely - the title track is god awful. By the time it had ended, being the first track on the album, I thought it to be pretty much over. Everything good about the album is no present on this track, it's very basic and just floats there without the creative power of songs like "Run" or "Wake Up" - which makes me wonder why it IS the title track. Thankfully, however, I did my job and gave this album the run down it deserved.

EVER SINCE's "Bring Out The Gimp" has an amazing scope in its sound, mixing quite a bit of simple with a good deal of technical work for effect. I can't say enough how much character frontman Pedro adds to the whole act, the variety he expresses alone shows just what EVER SINCE is aiming for with its comeback album. Sadly, the experience is somewhat marred by a terribly bland opening track. Though, hold on to your seat and you'll be privy to some of the best Modern Metal available.

8 / 10


"Bring Out The Gimp" Track-listing:

1. Bring Out The Gimp
2. Run
3. Circles
4. No Way Out
5. Step In The Hell
6. Wrong Way
7. 10,000 Feet
8. Prison Son
9. Wake Up

Ever Since Lineup:

Vinc - Guitars
Tiago - Guitars
Flo - Bass
Ced - Drums
Pedro - Vocals

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