June 10, 2005

Well, well, well... I was really curious to see what's up with this album. The magnitude of a guitarist/composer like the Greek axeman Theodore Ziras, now trans-shaped into a complete release (lyrics included etc) is not something I could easily come up with a solid statement for. By the way, I hate it when musicians like him do not achieve the global recognition they definitely deserve...
Euroforce stand up as the brainchild of both guitar wizard - as mentioned on the promo's back cover - Ziras (solo, ex-Ice Divine/Guardian Angel) and the marvelous singer Jioti Parcharidis (ex-Human Fortress). I know that Ziras has - apart form his solo albums - issued a series of instructional book and video releases - check his personal website - spreading (to a level) his name through many guitar magazines, but was completely unaware of the supremacy of Parcharidis' vocal skills; we'll chat about that further on. Supplying their proficiency in Euroforce are also Spyros Kabasakalis (drums) and John Kostis (bass), in a lineup that has consisted of these members for two years now, but - due to hard and serious work for the best result possible - releases its debut effort in 2005.
Euroforce are keen on what's likely to be mentioned as Neoclassical Power Metal, extended to a level of some basic Progressive formulas. Thus, we have excellent high-pitched vocals that remain nothing-less-than-interesting during the whole album. I was shocked to find out how Parcharidis can tease his throat, creating a diverse atmosphere in each and every track; listen closely to his variations in tunes like e.g. Spirit Raven or Weeping Of A Stone. Furthermore, Ziras' force is simply enormous, balancing between nonstop arpeggios and razor-like killer chord themes. Fast as hell but precise oriental elements alter to the mid-European classic basics (you know like who...) with trouble-free elasticity, while I can hardly remember myself complaining 'bout the solos everywhere; I usually do that; trust me.
The rhythm section of Euroforce consists of two players highly confident, this is obvious from their chemistry throughout the listening session. Thus, neither the bass lines nor the double-bass drumming could be judged as overloaded. This view was also magnified by the crystal clear production, handled - of course - by Ziras himself. Indeed, I never felt tired or overdosed by the sound of the Euroforce album; on the contrary, there's freshness in this effort enriched by the proper support of keyboards here and there.
Euroforce kick ass! That simple. You don't have to expect the next average European Malmsteen-like Power Metal release with this quartet. Plus the fact that Euroforce do not harden their sound in this direction only...Yeah, I really hope the band heads towards triumph with this album!
8 / 10
"Euroforce" Track-listing:
Spirit Raven
The European Lie
Trumpets Of Old
Crown Seeker
Modern Times
Hellenic Spirit
By Neptune's Hand
Spirits By My Side
Brighter Hellas
Weeping Of A Stone
Byzantine Heritage
Euroforce Lineup:
Jioti Parcharidis - Vocals
Theodore Ziras - Guitars
Spyros Kabasakalis - Drums
John Kostis - Bass
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