Essays In Rhyme On Passion And Ethics
Ethereal Blue
November 5, 2010

There is a profound feeling of honor when I am about to write a review for a native band, even if they are not that good I feel like we are being actively part and very alive in the over saturated Metal scene. ETHEREAL BLUE are far from bad or mediocre, they are above even simply good. ETHEREAL BLUE are perfectly amazing and that makes the feeling even bigger, I could not fathom that such a album will fall in my hands since I never heard them before today. Yet I could not stop listen to them again and again trying to understand that they are Greek.
Out of curiosity before I listened to their album I checked various sites that had all ready done a small review. I chose mostly the German ones and a French one and I read amazing words to the point that I turned a little skeptic, and then I listened to the album...I was left awe stricken, this boys are very humble in their band description on the Net. Before me unfolded a unique soundscape that moved between Goth and Black Metal norms, with an amazing and unique passion that few such bands have reminiscent to the passion of LACRIMOSA's "Elodia" or the anger and sorrow of "Velvet Darkness They Fear" by THEATRE OF TRAGEDY without the female vocals. I could listen to MISANTHROPE and early PARADISE LOST during "Icon"-combined masterful to create a unique play style unlike all the above yet as familiar as all of them.
The band's play form moves through old school Death and Goth with a modern more technical side that doesn't resemble the tiring nearly experimental side of certain bands that try to mix Black Metal with technical elements. Their sound is rather poetic, nostalgic with many debutant elements and that eclectic Black Metal sound that proves that apart from a deeper love and respect to their art they are also excellent students of the bands that matter. If you read the MySpace band description disregard the humble attempt to simplify their music; their music is of high standards and for the few who desire the best of Goth/Black Metal.
Each song a different path to sorrow, anger and passion, poetry put to music the darker way, vocals range from hard growling to rough vocals to high pitched recitation, along musical themes not easily attempted by most bands that seek to draw or create attentions. ETHEREAL BLUE draw attention by their near immaculate music craftsmanship, one can but wonder how such a group would fare in a live act, will they be able to take you away inside their music? Many bands that are years in the scene might sound perfect on CD but under achieve when in lives, I hope I have the chance to see them first hand in live gigs. "Ethics", "Passion" and "Goliadkin" outshine the rest of the jewels.
ETHEREAL BLUE is proof of the strength that our local Metal scene has and that our underground is unique and powerful. I hope in an even better future. Without second thought...
8 / 10
"Essays In Rhyme On Passion And Ethics" Track-listing:
- Mother Grief
- Ethics
- John Wood
- Passion
- The Letter
- Goliadkin
Ethereal Blue Lineup:
Efthimis V. - Vocals
George A. - Guitars, Piano Programming
Panos P. - Guitars
Miltos D. - Bass
Dimitris K. - Drums
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