The Battle of Eternity

Eternal Voyager

This American band is currently working on a second full-length release, which will be released […]
By Johnny Jackal
May 24, 2016
Eternal Voyager - The Battle of Eternity album cover

This American band is currently working on a second full-length release, which will be released during summertime. This is a re-release of their first album.

That artwork is wicked awesome, it reminded me of Dungeons and Dragons and those Forgotten Realms books from when I was a little bit younger!

This is an album that talks a lot about the wars around the world, the crusades back in the yesteryear, and all the emotions that people feel when they are at war, before and after. It has a great progression and the lyrical themes are on point.

I really loved the intro with the narration and the falling rain. It reminded me of the majestic narration done by Christopher Lee on those recent RHAPSODY albums.

The second song is called "Holy Warrior"; a very JUDAS PRIEST-esque song. Unfortunately the sound quality is substandard at best. The production value is not great and you can't hear the vocals that well. It sounds a lot like Traditional Power Metal, like older HELLOWEEN but with a much lower voice.

The third song is "Army or Our Lord". This sounds like some of the more recent DIO albums. All in all, this reminded me a whole lot of old ICED EARTH albums, especially those of the "Night of the Stormrider" era. It does have an effective and catchy chorus as well.

The fourth song is "The New Jerusalem". The instrumental intro is awesome but then it takes a plunge. This song reminded me a lot of QUEENSRYCHE (well, their heavier stuff on the later albums) although it does lack the vocal range and presence of a guy like Geoff Tate.

The fifth song is "This is War!". This is a fun and uplifting song. It this sounds like "Number of the Beast" era IRON MAIDEN. You can also note the influences of the first Power Metal Bands that we were introduced in the late eighties and early nineties.

The sixth song is "This Battle's Not in Vain". This could have been great on those earlier PRIMAL FEAR albums. Ok, let's face it; the singer does not have that amazing voice and range of Ralf Scheepers! This was a throwback to the early careers of bands like GAMMA RAY and HAMMERFALL.

The seventh song is "Calm Before the Storm". Well this sounds a lot like MANOWAR. I know, I know, why I am comparing them to a band that has a lot of hate directed towards them. Let's just say that we can all agree that there is some cheesiness in their music, but this song reminded of some of the good stuff the guys from MANOWAR have been belting since the eighties.

The eighth song is "Sands of Time". This is the essential ballad of the album and is nothing worthwhile; it simply does not contribute anything to this album.

The ninth song is "Vagabond". This is probably the weakest song of the album. We can barely hear the singer and the production on this one was really disappointing; even though it did have promise, and sounded a lot like the pioneers of NWOBHM.

The tenth song is "Eternal Voyager". Well this is the most Epic song of the album. It starts out slow and then it picks up! This is their strongest effort, and is their most effective song. If I would suggest one song to a person wanting to discover this album, well it would be this one for sure.

The eleventh - and final - song, is the title track "The Battle of Eternity". This is an outro with some solid narration. It sounds like we are hearing a medieval battle in the background and is reminiscent of those Lord of the Rings movies!

Overall; good effort, bad production, but a lot of promise!

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"The Battle of Eternity" Track-listing:
  1. Voyager Revelation
  2. Holy Warrior
  3. Army of Our Lord
  4. The New Jerusalem
  5. This is War!
  6. This Battle's Not in Vain
  7. Calm Before the Storm
  8. Sands of Time
  9. Vagabond
  10. Eternal Voyager
  11. Battle of Eternity
Eternal Voyager Lineup:

Brian Blake - Vocals and Guitar
Mike Durenberger - Drums
Jeff Igelsrud - Bass
Micah Devereaux - Keyboards and Vocals
Kurt Johnson - Lead Guitar

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