
Belgium-based EPOCH's "Sacrosanct" is a scary, dark, death metal album. Is it the riffs, which combine black metal speed with death metal's brutal assault? The eerie sounding tone? Perhaps it is the almost inhuman sounding of the vocals? Whatever the reasons, and there are many, this album is quite the sonic attack on the senses. Throughout the album I hear some "Conductor's Departure" era ANATA influence. It isn't what I would call progressive but the band displays chops good enough to work in that field, death metal or otherwise. This record was released independently a few years ago but Lavadome has recently put it on disc format and seen it reissued. I never heard the original release but this new version has crystal clear production but it works with the band's atmosphere, thus it retains that edge of darkness needed for a solid death metal album.
I'm also hearing some very strong IMMOLATION vibes. Much like those death legends, EPOCH's riffs are immense and contain a depth that is hard to explain—twisting and turning to the point where they sound like a freight train mixed with an abyssal whirlwind. It is a jarring experience for those not accustomed to such sounds but death metal fans, such as myself, are going to find a lot of like with these guitar riffs. They keep you guessing never will you lose interest or train of thought. Speaking of IMMOLATION, the stark atmosphere of this record reminds me of their "Harnessing Ruin" album. It isn't a copy of said record but, much like it, EPOCH is able to paint a landscape without the use of symphonic touches, keyboards, clean vocals, or any other number of things the more melodic bands would use.
Speaking of trains, the drummer is a beast and a all in one demolition team, sometimes sounding like he (she?) might have extra hands or feet. Insanely fast snare attack, double bass that's so loud it sounds like a stampede of hungry carnivores and well timed cymbal attacks add up to a great performance by a person who seems to never run out of energy. "Hangman Paradox"is a highlight for me as it takes a less speedy approach, using very dense riffs and focused drumming this time around; comparisons to INCANTATION wouldn't be wrong here but I don't find them quite as plodding and they don't use the doom sound. The 1:23 mark starts the cycle of crazy riffs and splattering of drums that are surreal and things get more intense when their vocalist growls out some primordial vocals. The drumming here isn't as intense but it's well-played and paced. 2017 has been a great year for death metal and you can safely add this to the ever growing pile of "listen to right now" albums.
8 / 10

"Sacrosant" Track-listing:
1. To Datechon, ho Katechon
2. Vision Absolute
3. Altered State
4. Nine
5. Ichneumon
6. Hangman Paradox
7. Fear Ritual
8. Sacrosanct
Epoch Lineup:
No Known Members
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