Malformed Conscience
September 7, 2017

Horror Pain Gore Death strikes again with the second EPI-DEMIC full length album entitled "Malformed Conscience". It is the fifth or sixth album of this label that I review and once again the experience was pleasant. Kyle H. (Vocals and Bass), Aaron (Vocals and Drums) and Adam H. (Vocals and Guitars) are based on a very primitive, dirty and fast-voiced sound of the Thrash Metal on the begging of 90 '. The mixing contains some flaws and could be better worked on, sometimes the vocals get a little jammed with the instruments and it gets a bit difficult to understand, but it's nothing really bad. As for production, it's okay.
The song that introduces the album "Rotting In Plain Sight" already shows all the aggressiveness and rapidity of the band with well-run riffs followed by a incessant and very angry vocal, the same happens in the very short song "Hatred" that counting on little less than 1 'and a half it is the smallest track on the album. Although the intensity of the vocals does not change to "Dark Thoughts" it is a more cadenced track with some significant changes of Tempo making it gain more quality during its develops. "Stewing In Misery" is a very exciting song and groove, it brings some interesting backing vocals appearances and some parts in which the drums are absent which were very interesting.
"Losing Time" in addition to the traditional heavy thrash, reminded me of something of Punk rock from the 80's being my favorite song of the album, as well as bringing some small parts a bit more melodic, but you have to listen very carefully to be noticed . The introduction of Bass made in "Breaking Your Mind" is sensational; it's a shame that due to the mix the bass is half missing in some parts. "Mortal Kind" ends the work the same way it started. "Malformed Conscience" does not show something really new, but it is an album that has a very strong catch and although it is not very dynamic it gives the listener a very heavy and fast sound, indispensable for Thrash Metal lovers.
7 / 10

"Malformed Conscience" Track-listing:
1. Rotting In Plain Sight
2. Dark Thoughts
3. Stewing In Misery
4. Ruthless Ambition
5. Losing Time
6. Famine
7. Hatred
8. Sons Of Dogs
9. Breaking Your Mind
10. Punishment
11. Mortal Kind
Epi-Demic Lineup:
Kyle H. (Vocals and Bass),
Aaron (Vocals and Drums)
Adam H. (Vocals and Guitars)
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