Revelations, Aurora of An Epoch
May 27, 2015

The Canadians from Montreal formed back in 2010, ÉOHUM (pronounced ee-o-um) started by guitarist/bassist Jeremy Perkins, a "traditionalist and spirit oriented" band embracing a Black Metal breeding with mixing grooving and Doom cultured atmospheres.
ÉOHUM debut album named "Revelations, Aurora of An Epoch"; I'm not going to explain the album name, so it's up to you to figure this one out. "Revelations, Aurora of An Epoch" is a eight tracks album, however I was expecting a massive attack of Black Metal, however the first track, "Leaving Harbour", puzzled me very much. It's not a musical track; it's a story told by a woman about a voyage, so I will skip directly into track two "Rooted Deep Within" were the fun started. "Rooted Deep Within" starts with some short war music intro, firing and people shouting, probably explaining the lyrics that will be on the album. After the short intro came a short slab of guitar riffing more Doomish than Black, the track broke into the gloom very fast, introducing blackish riffing, however the thing that made this track great were the horns that were playing at the background. "Rooted Deep Within" is a classic black metal instrumental, showcasing the band's ability to make good metal.
Onward to "Equatorial Rains" starts with a bass that reminds me METALLICA's "My Friend Of Misery", however in ÉOHUM the start changes very fast to a mix of Black Metal and Groove Metal with Matt McGachy's vocals plunging the track into the abyss; great vocal abilities with some great guitar and drumming shows us the first time a real Black Metal track from the album.
Track number four "Defined Sacredness" starts with some Doom riffing like it was expected, also incorporated here are some clean vocals mixed with some growling vocals with incredibly dynamic tempo, from Doom to Groove to Black, making it an real masterpiece track.
The title track is the best track in the album, number five in the count, a true 'Blackened Groove' slab wherein, again, Matt McGachy's vocals reign supreme
Don't miss "Wiser Every Sunrise"; that's a real groove metal track, even on the verge of Metalcore vocals with darkly riffing, something different. The last track, "Give Us O' Rain" ends the album on another storytelling note.
All in all a great album from ÉOHUM, but something is missing, feeling a little 'too' empty in places.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Revelations, Aurora of An Epoch" Track-listing:
1. Leaving Harbour
2. Rooted Deep Within
3. Equatorial Rains
4. Defined Sacredness
5. Revelations, Aurora Of An Epoch
6. Wiser Every Sunrise
7. Thus Spewed Thy Infectious Reign
8. Give Us O' Rain
Eohum Lineup:
J.R. Perkins - Guitars
Sylvain Dumont - Guitars
Cesar Franco - Bass
Nick Wybo - Drums
Matt McGachy - Vocals
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