Evil Unseen


Strap yourselves in for ENVENOMED; a fast paced Melodic, Heavy Metal band from the Metal realms […]
December 5, 2015
Envenomed - Reckoning album cover

Strap yourselves in for ENVENOMED; a fast paced Melodic, Heavy Metal band from the Metal realms of Australia.You clicked on this link to find interest in on a new band, huh? Or you were already of fan, huh? Well, either way... You did the right thing. Here we have a band that; in the same vain of IRON MAIDEN, SAVAGE MESSIAH, SYMPHONY X, and so on, have equally fair ground musical knowledge to match these greats out on. Influenced by these bands as well, they intercept these ideologies very well; musically AND instrumentally. You might think ah; another band rivaling the greats, well, the more bands in this genre the better, right? And your hunger for newer and possibly better material is very strong, huh? Well don't look back, this is an Australian quintet that are most definitely destined to go places.

Now, the reason I bring up IRON MAIDEN is easily because of the title songs, mainly. They have that typical IRON MAIDEN-esque mentality in some ways; but to me, they feel more SAVAGE MESSIAH-esque, musically. ENVENOMED also have the "new band" problem in the same vain of SAVAGE MESSIAH, who are equally bloody great. See; support the underground, you'll be equally surprised as I was when I first heard SAVAGE MESSIAH and ENVENOMED. You'll be doing yourself a favor, as well as the music scene. Basically, and typically... I feel ENVEMONED are more Thrash Metal; more than anything else. While they have the Melodic Heavy Metal formula, fused with Thrash Metal down to pretty much utmost-perfection. The band certainly have experience and knowledge in the field on "how to" combine this excellence they have produced with "Evil Unseen" and make it sound pretty much ear-gasmic, (yes, I made that up). And the band in question, also have a musical integrity and energy -like- the greats that make ENVENOMED positively brilliant.
"Evil Unseen" is ENVENOMED's debut album and has 12 heavy-lifting tracks. This is one of the best "new band" masterpieces I have heard in a good while; in a Thrash Metal perspective. The band doesn't slow down one bit. "Will Of Man" will shock your balls off when you press that play button and hear Anthony Mavrikis' magnificent vocal talent; with the included fusion of the Metal madness that is Brendan Farrugia, who thrashes his guitar like a melodic beast, just as Anthony Mavrikis does. Throughout the album; especially in; "Spoils Of Victory"; "Burn The Sun"; "Falling" and the great "Within Me", there is nothing but amazing musically melody with the added power of the Thrash Metal us METALLICA and SAVAGE MESSIAH fans will almost immediately recognize, this is probably the best way I can describe the entire album.Adam Bartleson just kills it with his drums as well. He is a pounding; thrashing machine, just as Liam Wagener is on bass, you can really feel the power these guys combine and generate. And I can also really sense that they put all of their heart and souls (and balls) to create this fabulous album. This is also evidently shown in "Disobey The Beast", "Mechanical Enemy", and "The Shadowland", which in the second part of the album; introduce the more Melodic Heavy Metal signs of their insights more, I feel. While the ending with "Spirit Machine", "Demoncracy", and "Global Deception" combine all these - musically to exceed my expectations of what ENVENOMED were capable of and oh boy was I blown away in the end. Which in question - if I was being 100% honest, I can not fault "Evil Unseen" much at all really...
After listening to this new discovery, I'm immediately hooked after only three full "please grow on me" listens; to be honest, it didn't need growing on me at all. I thoroughly enjoyed this from beginning to end. Utmost-perfect sound production; musical integrity; powerful musicianship... I could go on. But I think I've made it clear that this was one of the best albums 2014 had to offer. You most certainly WILL open a circle pit in your personal space; head-banging, fist-pumping, thrashing... It has it all. So what are you waiting for? Support the band and buy this masterpiece of an album. I guarantee you won't regret it!<

10 / 10


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"Evil Unseen" Track-listing:
1. Evil Unseen
2. Will Of Man
3. Spoils Of Victory
4. Burn The Sun
5. Falling
6. Within Me
7. Disobey The Beast
8. Mechanical Enemy
9. The Shadowland
10. Spirit Machine
11. Demonocracy
12. Global Deception
Envenomed Lineup:

Anthony Mavrikis - Vocals & Guitars
Brendan Farrugia - Guitars
Liam Wagener - Bass
Adam Bartleson - Drums

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