Fatal Design


Funny thing is that Entwine dominates on charts (and even dance charts!!!) around Europe but […]
By Michael Dalakos
November 17, 2006
Entwine - Fatal Design album cover

Funny thing is that Entwine dominates on charts (and even dance charts!!!) around Europe but here in Greece they are not considered a big group. I guess such things happens when you still listen to bands like Grave Digger and Helloween even though they haven't release the last 666 years an album worthy of anybody's attention. Entwine return once again with another stunning piece of work titled Fatal Design.
It's really hard to believe that these guys started as a death metal band. It didn't took them long however to decide a change of address and follow the paths of atmospheric / gothic metal. Their debut album Treasures Within Hearts (1999) was an interesting piece of work but internal problems didn't let them band to reach higher popularity levels, something that happen in 2002 with Gone, an album that is considered by many a gem of gothic metal. The album became album of the month in several magazines and managed to find its way in several charts! The next album Time Of Despair pushed the envelope even further since the band hit the road for a world tour with Theater Of Tragedy. Finally DieVersity that was released in 2004 considered by many as their most commercially-wise album of the band, with a much more modern sound and electronic parts.
Fatal Design is another step ahead for the band. This amazing piece of work takes the sound of DieVersity and simply makes it heavier like hell. The thin guitar lines have been replaced by a thick modern sounded ones that even bring in mind N.U. metal (at some points). The outcome is an even powerful album that though pays tribute to atmospheric metal still sounds modern, fresh and heavy like heck. Some of the most stunning tunes in here is the club bound-to-become classic Break Me, the N.U. example Twisted and the dark Curtained Life. The compositions sound stronger than ever and you can bet your dollar on a really massive production.
Albums like this one come once a year so check it out. I can't believe that we don't have the privilege of seeing such cool acts live on stage over here. I guess I have to deal with the fact that I will spend the rest of my life watching Stratovarius or Gamma Ray live here in Athens...

8 / 10


"Fatal Design" Track-listing:

Fatal Design
Chameleon Halo
Out of You
My Serenity
Break Me
Curtained Life

Entwine Lineup:

Aksu Hanttu - Drums
Tom Mikkola - Guitars
Riitta Heikkonen - Keyboards
Joni Miettinen - Bass   
Mika Tauriainen - Vocals   
Jaani Kahkonen - Guitars

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