Time Will Take Us All


From Metal Blade's website, "Originally formed in 2015, since 2020, the lineup has been stripped […]
February 22, 2023
Entheos - Time Will Take Us All album cover

From Metal Blade's website, "Originally formed in 2015, since 2020, the lineup has been stripped down to core founding members: drummer Navene Koperweis - who has now also taken on guitar duties - and vocalist Chaney Crabb, and they have never been more vital. Armed with a sound that amalgamates Death Metal, Groove, Grunge, Electronica, Slam, Gothic Rock, Jazz, Prog and more, they are a wholly unpredictable beast that has evolved over the course of their career." Their new album has nine songs.

"Absolute Zero" is the first. The style is very hard to define...it's mainly Tech Metal, but there are other forces at work here also...Deathcore, Groove, and Prog namely. Chaney has a very versatile voice. "In Purgatory" has a dissonant sound with vocals both in high and low ranges. There are even some clean vocals sprinkled in. The music is very densely packed into the songs, and the leads let out a bit of melody. "The Interior Wilderness" might be a parallel into the minds of Chaney and Navene. This song tip toes forward with all the grace of Colossus. One of the features that is ever-present is the machine gun drumming and moving bass notes.

It segues carefully into "Oblivion." Clean guitars and vocals open the song, and suddenly the skies turn blue and the sun comes out. Harsh vocals enter, but the melody line remains strong. This song is a little more straightforward, and less chaotic. "I Am the Void" is a bit shorter, and with an air of mystery brewing. Smooth clean vocals combine with harsh angry ones in a sound that mostly pushes rage. The next two songs are very short. "Darkest Day" is a maddening song that reminds you how your feelings can show when you are having a bad day, and "Clarity in Waves" is another heavy romp with screams that could wake the dead.

"The Sinking Sun" is the longest on the album. It is jam packed full of heavy, punishing riffs and dissonance, but there are also some melodic moments. Some really smooth melodies appear at the end, sandwiched over a bed of heavy accents. "Time Will Take Us All" closes the album. I didn't expect the charming melodies of this final song. The clean vocals are very alluring, and the harsh vocals have a tinge of warning. The message is very prophetic...time will indeed take us all. Overall, their musicianship is fantastic. They know how to create firm, sturdy riffs with the deadly bite of an asp, and clean, melodic moments that wash over you like waves from the ocean. Their talent is nearly immeasurable.

8 / 10









"Time Will Take Us All" Track-listing:

1. Absolute Zero
2. In Purgatory
3. The Interior Wilderness
4. Oblivion
5. I Am the Void
6. Darkest Day
7. Clarity in Waves
8. The Sinking Sun
9. Time Will Take Us All

Entheos Lineup:

Chaney Crabb
Navene Koperweis
Evan Brewer
Brian James (Live)
Robert Brown (Live)

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