

Enertia is a band from the USA that sports a rock vibe that most Metal […]
By Amy La Salla
October 21, 2004
Enertia - Force album cover

Enertia is a band from the USA that sports a rock vibe that most Metal bands have sadly lacked for many years.  Their sound is angry, attention grabbing and fun to groove to.
Their site describes them as Power Metal but to my ears their sound is slightly darker than most bands in this genre. The only bands with a similar sound that I can think of are Dio or Tad Morose. The rhythm guitar-work is very catchy and has a good amount of skill and headbangability, their solos are good and have just the right amount of flash while catching the moment without overstaying their welcome.
The singer has a powerful and aggressive voice. He reminds me slightly of a more melodic Robert Flynn (singer of Machine Head). The lyrics are well written and are about alienation, dysfunctional relationships, rage and brotherhood. They never actually use the words metal-brother in Force however, some of their lyrics hit the idea behind those two words on the head!
Time To Go is is the raging hand that pulls you into Enertia's world. Addictive, compelling and melodic, Time To Go is a real fist pounder!
Secrets is a groovier song about a mystical woman who is both teacher and representation of what they feel and what they want others to feel.
The Sky Is Falling is perhaps the most groove oriented song on Force. It is also extremely angry and headbangable! It is about the sort of person who fancies him/herself religious, all the while looking down on others and the hurt feelings that result from that point of view.
Force is a dark but playful creature. It is simultaneously fun to listen to and thoughtful. I would not say that Force has tenfold increased the boundaries of Metal but I will say that Enertia's songs are fresh and enjoyable.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Force" Track-listing:

Time To Go
Messed Up Son
Not Alone
Hole In The Head
The Sky Is Falling

Enertia Lineup:

Scott Featherstone - Vocals
Roman Singleton - Guitars
Joe Paciolla - Bass Guitars
Jeff Daley - Drums

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