Temporal Capsule

Embarla Firgasto

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: EMBARLA FIRGASTO; unsigned independently, hailing […]
By Craig Rider
September 26, 2022
Embarla Firgasto - Temporal Capsule album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: EMBARLA FIRGASTO; unsigned independently, hailing from Polish grounds - performing Black Metal, on their debut full-length studio album entitled: "Temporal Capsule" (released August 1st, 2022). Since formation in 2016; the soloist in question has only released an EP entitled: "Inter Spem et Metum" (released April 22nd, 2018), and this debut full-length record of which I am introduced to. 5 tracks ranging around 31:13; EMBARLA FIRGASTO arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Black Metal developments.

Opening up with this long pause; this scouring snare of a distorted hymn amplifies with raw rough tonality, shrieking guitars and symbolic smacks thump out some ominously jarring chimes and blackened atmosphere within: "Chapter Of Immersion - Condemnation and Exile".. Implementing a daunting element in dark but blasphemous contrast, LDB who performs solo this nasty thickness of incredibly impressive one-man performance surges with uniquely versatile vehemence where his dexterously dynamic calamities inject an infectiously gnarly slab of solid remedy while swerving shreds revel with wildly rushing stridency until a clobbering foundation belts a hybrid but experimental conundrum in boisterously bouncy drum hammers and bludgeoning sulfurity. Manifesting with rampaging stampedes of steely precision & slaying grinds, a blistering harmony attributes at a concretely gritty firepower expertise that's most primitive - profound in: "Chapter Of Existence - Conductors Of Life And Death".

This sonically seamless melody lacerates a killer kick in complex virtuosity; quintessentially ramifying with rollicking chugs, frolicking gallops and extreme noise terror which executes flamboyantly with monolithic tempo while sturdy thuds swelter speakers with profusely robust strikes that pursuit with ghoulish density. Piledriving rambunctiousness bulldozes eardrums with relentless retribution and berserking haste, forging a rampantly rompy impact in flexibly fundamental synergy where radically wicked maelstrom technicalities progressively soar with razor-sharp meatiness while monstrous vocal savagely roar with raspy throatiness while grumbling gutturals grovel intensely into a barrage frenzy in bleeding but cordial finesse. A descegrating abhorrence excels with salubriously volatile trembles within: "Chapter Of Death - Devouring the Pestilence", motoring malignantly with stomping drum cymbals and immense licks that merge with momentous yet venomous stability.

Chiseling instrumentation distills a brisk but weighty tightness that punches out some pummeled pounds & pugnacious patterns of mighty yet rhythmic pierces on rumbling yet reverberating mayhem, crafting an alarming impulse in impactful raze while rapidly nimble swiftness systematically smothers you with abominable but gruesome tonality. The penultimate rager "Chapter Of Disappearance - Nihilistic Levitation" towers with more gravitational hooks amongst a sinister smear of tremoring songwriting musicianship that stampedes with virulent magnetism & viciously visceral bestialities in beefy grips that will unleash this everlasting barbarism inside you to raise hellish chaos among the masses - as an audible meltdown revolves through with overarching premises to converge a break chairs over other chairs incentive for good sport.

Overall concluding "Temporal Capsule" with the finale but banging epic: "Chapter Of Insanity - Fire, Flesh, Destiny" an evil empowering fervor contorts coherently with more foreboding assimilation and thrashing pandemonic captivation that's most ruthless & splendid for a soloist of this calabre. Bottom line; I am compelled to say that EMBARLA FIRGASTO most surely outdone himself here, and for a debut deliverance. A fierce offering that most Black Metal maniacs will definitely find a distinctively distinguished equality with while spinning this rifting slice of justifiable subgenre excellence in which showcases some avant-garde deathliness and a firing all cylinder aspect for an enjoyably entertaining but cohesive experience which will keep you brutal for when the next release comes, do check it out.Purchase Link:


7 / 10









"Temporal Capsule" Track-listing:

1. Chapter Of Immersion - Condemnation and Exile
2. Chapter Of Existence - Conductors of Life and Death
3. Chapter Of Death - Devouring the Pestilence
4. Chapter Of Disappearance - Nihilistic Levitation
5. Chapter Of Insanity - Fire, Flesh, Destiny

Embarla Firgasto Lineup:

LDB - Everything

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