2002 - DEMO


I know that it is a little late for a review of an album from […]
By Alex Farmakis
September 16, 2005
Elvenpath - 2002 - DEMO album cover

I know that it is a little late for a review of an album from 2002, but this came in a few days ago and I thought that it deserved a review.
Here we have a three songs Demo from the German Power Metallers Elvenpath. These guys, as I wrote in the review of their first album, Gateways, play pure German Power Metal coming from the latest 80's. The three songs are very good and remind me of the years that Heavy Metal was pure and the bands played music because they liked this music and not just for the money. Unfortunately we see now the big record companies controlling everything and instructing the bands on what they should play.
Anyway. As I said before, the three songs on this demo are very good with a very steady basis on the drums and bass and brilliant ideas on the guitars. All the guys are good musicians and they do not seem to be amateurs. The vocals need some more work, but they do not have any serious problems. They just need to work on the details and then I feel that they'll be very good.
I believe that anyone who likes the good old 80's German Power Metal should check out Elvenpath. It's a very good band and it is too bad that we see bands like Elvenpath not being supported by anyone else other than just themselves, while other bands whose music is awful become great on a worldwide scale just because they have a good management.
Whoever wants to listen to this demo or the first album of Elvenpath can just contact me with via e-mail, because he will not find these two releases available anywhere.
If I could rate this demo, I'd give it a 3.5/5, but as we do not rate Demos...

"2002 - DEMO" Track-listing:

Kingdom Of The Weird
Eternal Quest

Elvenpath Lineup:

Christian Flindt - Bass & Backing Vocals
Martin Weber - Drums
Michael Petrick - Guitar, Backing Vocals & Session Lead Vocals
Peter Hennen - Keyboards & Backing Vocals
Till Oberbossel - Guitar & Backing Vocals

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