Trapped in a Future Unknown

Elusive God

One look at the cover of the recently released full-length by ELUSIVE GOD, entitled "Trapped […]
July 3, 2022
Elusive God - Trapped in a Future Unknown album cover

One look at the cover of the recently released full-length by ELUSIVE GOD, entitled "Trapped in a Future Unknown," and I was hooked. Red door (not painted black) standing in the midst of a somber woodland. Band name underneath, further underscored with the album title. But the door. And the trees that seem to extend out of it like a great horned beast of the darkest origins. Straight out of a Laird Barron nightmare this one. (Artwork and visuals, btw, credited to Kontraliht).

This Doom Metal trio hails from Croatia. They formed in 2018, released their debut EP, "The Darkest Flame," in 2019, and issued this, their first full-length, on May 20, 2022. Everything about this band screams epic-from the NWOBHM strains, to Elusive T's clean and powerful vocals, to the simple but poignant lyrics. Sample: "Worthless words / A reflection of a worthless soul" ("Worthless Words"). Another simpler yet and more poignant still: "The Shadow, the Beast or the Devil / In us all" ("Shadow, Beast, Devil"). Okay, maybe not Wordsworth but coupled with the punch of a downtuned riff, it could at least be Hemmingway.

One of the great things about this band is the fact that they are a trio. Talk about economies of scale! The space they fill expands way beyond what you'd expect from just three members. Kudos to Lanzarot at Wolves and Oaks Studio on the mixing and Elusive H. at Hellsound Studio on the mastering. The production of this album is fantastic. Do yourself a favor and break out your best headsets to fully saturate.

My pick of standouts include the more visceral tracks. For me those are "Wrath from Above," "Worthless Words," and "Price to Pay." For fans of Doom, "Shadow, Beast, Devil" and "Where is the Sun" may appeal more. The final track, "Dreaming of Reality," bridges both worlds-visceral and sludgy. It's the longest track, the most diverse in movements, and it captures the essence of the entire album, sonically as well lyrically.

The "Trapped in a Future Unknown" LP is not as Doom-laden as "The Darkest Flame" EP. Where the EP had a sludgy edge to it, the LP takes on more of a NWOBHM flare. You'll find Elusive T.'s vocals are still just as epic as his riffs, though on this album there is a slight uptick in tempo. Similarly, the rhythm duo of Elusive R. and Elusive H. are just as formidable as the 2019 release, but not quite as downtuned. While the two releases are distinct, the continuity is undeniable. "Trapped in a Future Unknown" isn't so much of a departure from the trajectory that "The Darkest Flame" started, but rather an evolution.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Trapped in a Future Unknown" Track-listing:

1.  Wrath from Above
2.  Shadow, Beast, Devil
3.  Worthless Words
4.  Deception and Greed
5.  Price to Pay
6.  Where Is the Sun
7.  Dreaming of Reality

Elusive God Lineup:

Elusive R. - Bass
Elusive H. - Drums
Elusive T. - Guitars, vocals

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