

ELFSONG is a Symphonic Power Metal band from Tatabanya, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. ''Quintessence'' is a collection […]
By Jean-François Poulin
March 4, 2021
Elfsong - Quintessence album cover

ELFSONG is a Symphonic Power Metal band from Tatabanya, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary. ''Quintessence'' is a collection of songs from their first four albums. Although they have translated their songs to English for this release, straying away from their native language for the first time in their careers. They were formed back in 2010 and I think it's the first time I have heard Power Metal from Hungary in all my years of reviewing albums.

I may or not be a spoiled Power Metal fan. Let's face it I was bombarded by bands and albums in the mid to late nineties. I might not have been the biggest Power Metal fan back them (my older brother was). I discovered so many bands back then and as a Metal fan since 1993, I was not keen on the style and it took me a number of years to truly appreciate some of the bands (lets be honest, not all bands are good). I may have been out of the loop a bit in the last few years in the genre. I have broadened my horizons so to speak and I do listen occasionally to some Power Metal and I do crank my stereo sometimes while listening to some of the classics I grew up with. So that may be one of the reasons why I tend not to be impressed with what is out there nowadays. Like I said, I may have been too spoiled for my own good. Well in this case, I was really surprised by the quality of the material and the musicians at hand.

Their style is very anthemic, very chorus driven and can be very happy go lucky. Fantasy or Power Metal has always have that joyful touch and that was brought music to the masses in the infancy of the genre and the mid 90's European Power Metal boom. The music feels fresh and that's not something I usually say about the last decade and a half of Power Metal bands thrown in right and left. It does not feel too forced nor repetitive, each song has its own feel about it and thankfully they stray from the path of ever resounding songs that are quite interchangeable. ''Prometheus'' is probably the prime example of something that feels so grandiose, it grabs your attention right away and its little golden nugget of Power Metal goodness. The chorus is catchy, fun and shows off Daniel Szollosi's impressive range and powerful delivery. He has the vocal chops you need in a Power Metal band because if that voice doesn't carry the rest of the band melodies, it kinds falls flat.

In a world of oversaturated bands in the genre, their approach is a breath of fresh air. They also dive in other genres especially on ''The Returning'', something akin to Canadian band SYRYN or even some old school ALESTORM. It feels like a sea chanty and it's showing off a different side of the band. They can do Symphonic Metal (especially on ''Silverwing''), you have the straight forward Power Metal in ''Prometheus'' and they speed it up on ''North Sea Adventures''. They are not a one trick pony and it's a memorable collection.

The production is iffy at best, at times the guitars and drums seem to be a bit mechanical and overdone and the mix might be uneven unfortunately. The guitars can be a bit too loud and it has its moments and it does hurt the quality of the music at hand because the compositions are very good. They have an original approach to the genre and it's such a treat and I suggest this band to any Power Metal or Symphonic Metal fan out there, you will be pleasantly surprised!

8 / 10









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"Quintessence" Track-listing:

1. North Sea Adventures
2. Prometheus
3. Dagorn Nuin Giliath
4. Silverwing
5. The Iron King of Mountain Deep
6. Vlad (The Curse of Blood)
7. King of the Deep Sea
8. The Returning
9. Devil of the Seven Seas

Elfsong Lineup:

Ferenc Somloi Jr. - Guitars
Ferenc Somloi - Guitars and Backing Vocals
Daniel Szollosi - Vocals
Racs - Drums

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