

The album ebbed and flowed with a delicate balance, weaving between moments of hope and despair, depression and anger. Each track was a journey through the depths of human emotion. From the haunting melodies of despair to the fiery outbursts of anger, the album resonated with a raw and unfiltered intensity, leaving listeners captivated by its emotional depth.
February 22, 2024

EINVIGI is a blackgaze metal band formed in Turku (Finland) in 2014. The founder, Petteri Granberg, had the vision of mixing themes from nature with musical styles and atmospheres from metal and lighter rock music. The other members of the band are guitarist Krister Virtanen, bassist and growler Joonas Koppanen and drummer Mikael Ruoho, who joined in 2021. The band initially began composing songs in English. After a while, Granberg realized that their themes of Finnish folklore and nature would not work in another language. At the same time, the songwriting process became more and more detailed, especially when it came to the lyrics. The musical style also found its current form, refined through atmospheres but still technically light and simple. Since the band name stands for a duel without rules or judges, the songwriting tries to live up to this spirit and ignore traditional patterns or external judgment.

The album has ten songs, and “Huoma” is first. The structures are light and airy, with a positive tone at first. Vocal screams roar in, but not at the expense of the melodies, while the clean vocals at the end wash over you with sorrow. “Elossa eilen, tänään jo kuollut” has a firmer structure, from a slow moving riff that is rich with harmonies. Clean vocals ease in, as well as a depression that sets in, like an endless stretch of grey sky days. The harsh vocals represent anger at that prospect, and they are lively. This is a wonderfully melodic sound that is tempered with just enough aggression. “Tumman veden lapsi” begins with clean tones but transitions to a hardened sound that is as heavy as lead. But, clean vocal harmonies wash away the filth and blood on your hands like a good steady rain. The two opposing vocal styles come together at the end like a storm.

“Ambrosia” is as sweet at it sound, with a depressing melody that is almost jovial at times. The harsh vocals are as strong as titanium, while the clean vocals are a soft as a pillow. “Kuolintanssi” is as smooth as silk at first, with a hard driving melody that reminds me of THE CURE. Harsh vocals roar in and the song takes a darker turn, but again, that melody line shines through the clouds like a beacon. “Missä kuljimme kerran” comes at you with a lengthy scream followed by more melodies. The storm subsides a bit but the strong winds and grey skies remain. The title track begins with mostly clean tones but many of them are melancholy in nature. Since I can’t understand Finnish, I can only imagine a scene of unhappiness and tears.

The final three songs are titled the same with three movements. The first paints a picture of a dull pain that never goes away, and could be emotional or physical, especially with the reaction from the harsh vocals. The interlude is just that…a brief retreat from some of the angry components. The final movement concludes the album with ominous tones and raging leanings. But clean vocal harmonies and glittering leads cut through and remind you that everything is indeed alright. The album ebbed and flowed with a delicate balance, weaving between moments of hope and despair, depression and anger. Each track was a journey through the depths of human emotion. From the haunting melodies of despair to the fiery outbursts of anger, the album resonated with a raw and unfiltered intensity, leaving listeners captivated by its emotional depth.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Monokroma" Track-listing:

1. Huoma                   

2. Elossa eilen, tänään jo kuollut                   

3. Tumman veden lapsi                     

4. Ambrosia                

5. Kuolintanssi            

6. Missä kuljimme kerran                  

7. Monokroma                       

8. Yksinäisen laulu pt.1                      

9. Yksinäisen laulu pt.2 - Interlude                

10. Yksinäisen laulu pt.3 - Uusi aurinko nousee


Einvigi Lineup:

Petteri Granberg – Guitar, Vocals

Joonas Koppanen – Bass, Harsh Vocals

Krister Virtanen – Guitar

Mikael Ruoho – Drums

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