Le Pont Noir


First of all, EINSTEIN-ROSEN is an instrumental solo project by French-Canadian Louis-Alexandre Jacques, who plays […]
By Aaron Eerdekens
April 4, 2015
Einstein-Rosen - Le Pont Noir album cover

First of all, EINSTEIN-ROSEN is an instrumental solo project by French-Canadian Louis-Alexandre Jacques, who plays all the instruments on his first solo album, Le Pont Noir, himself. Second of all, it's a tribute to the legendary band VOIVOD, who, like Jacques, are also based in Quebec. Third of all, because 'pont' means 'bridge' in English, it's a reference to Einstein-Rosen bridges, also known as wormholes. So even before you start listening, they have probably already grabbed your attention.

The album starts a little slow, with the acoustic guitars in "Prologue" setting the mood. From "Ruinam" on the guitars get a little bit heavier, but they're still not very fast, and the further exchange between acoustic and electric guitars make it the kind of Metal album you listen to when you're home alone and it's raining outside. "Vénérable Vestige" and "Isthme" keep the calm but heavy flow going until "Neptune", where you can actually hear the rain and thunder coming down on you.

Jacques takes you on a chill Progressive Metal filled ride, with riffs that will surely remind you of NEVERMORE. But just when you start dozing off, laying in your comfortable three seated sofa, you get thrown the ice cold glass of water in the face that is called "Vortex". That's when the drums start banging and Le Pont Noir really finds its tempo. It marks a change of pace which brings some new zeal into the album.

But then the album suddenly finishes with "Brume Quantique", and it ends like the way it started. Dark, slow, soft and ominous, with influences from some of the softer songs of BLIND GUARDIAN. It's a pity it has only seven songs, but then again, it finishes on a high note, which is always good. Be prepared to get sucked into a very black wormhole, and to get spat out on earth again.

7 / 10


"Le Pont Noir" Track-listing:

1. Prologue
2. Ruinam
3. Vénérable Vestige
4. Isthme
5. Neptune
6. Vortex
7. Brume Quantique

Einstein-Rosen Lineup:

Louis-Alexandre Jacques - All Instruments

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