Doomsday Juggernaut


As part of METAL TEMPLE magazine campaign devoted for aiding the promotion of newcomer / […]
By Eldad "Blacknasa" Stainbook
April 28, 2014
Edenkaiser - Doomsday Juggernaut album cover

As part of METAL TEMPLE magazine campaign devoted for aiding the promotion of newcomer / unsigned bands, we bring you EDENKAISER.

EDENKAISER is a Catalonian Thrashened Black Metal band formed in 2009, in Barcelona (Spain). They released their new EP "Doomsday Juggernaut" five years after releasing a Demo. EDENKAISER's new EP "Doomsday Juggernaut" has five songs to it. If you take out "Obsidian", the first track that is an intro without any real musical weight, we are left with four tracks.

 I really had mixed emotion about this EP. On the first listen I don't think I got the real atmosphere and I really thought that the EP was a junk EP that doesn't carry any musical weight. However I convinced myself to listen to it again and again and to my astonishment, it really got to me.

The first track "Enter Mephisto" is a sheer masterpiece in my ears. A great mixture of Black with Thrash. Featuring great vocals by Lianne and guest vocalist Secthdamon (whom I don't know). "Enter Mephisto" has classic riffing with high pitch, and the chorus kept me up all night. "Inner Kingdom" and "A Jewel in my Skull" are classic Thrash Black Metal made fair, however the surprise continues with "Kill for the Crown". The best song in the EP , with drums out of Hell and riffing that reminds me of the great black metal of the start of the 90's .

Overall the EP is a good one, let's hope these guy's release a full album. I'm sure it will appeal all Black Metal fans out there. It did to me.


9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Doomsday Juggernaut" Track-listing:

1. Obsidian (Instrumental Intro)
2. Enter Mephisto (feat. Secthdamon)
3. Inner Kingdom
4. A Jewel in my Skull
5. Kill for the crown

Edenkaiser Lineup:

Lianne - Vocals
Häwkmoon - Guitars
Vherveroth - Bass
Striker - Drums

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