Dominum Ex Mortis
April 3, 2015

The Spanish foursome, EDENKAISER, is a black metal band founded in the glistening the shores of Barcelona city back in 2009. After undergoing several changes in their line up since their first EP, "Into the War", until now the band have seriously united together as a powerful black metal force. Now in 2015, EDENKAISER have finally strung up a debut album equipped with the mysterious title, "Dominum Ex Mortis" which sounds like something ripped straight out of the old testament of the bible.
A black metal aesthetic shines through the entire album, with "Ov chaos and Imagination" being an epic and atmospheric introduction to the dark and fast music to come. While at its core, the band's style is black metal; the speed an energy of their sound matches the likes of thrash metal. Songs like "Eternal Martyuim" and "The Blademaster" have incredibly skilled talent with the same metal work going on that bands like SLAYER obtain. Yet the rapid-fire riffs that they attack the listener with are painted black and are so heavy that they sometimes cause you to feel discomfort from the amount of intensity. Yet, there's also a confrontational punk rock attitude laced within songs like "Oblivion Remains".
Lianne Krossburner's voice gives the music that extra force and impact a black metal band needs in order to feel genuine. You can tell when a vocalist who sings in this sort of style can't quite deliver that brutal scream, and she does. It's vicious and evil; she sounds like she's been possessed by the devil. Krossburner serves the duty of breaking the boundaries between male and female vocalists. While there are a lot more females getting into the business, not all of them show the strength that woman can with their voice. She doesn't fail.
"Dominum Ex Mortis" is a good attempt at black metal. The musicians show that they're talented with their weapons of choice and they are also able to get the power and force black metal should have. Ultimately, if you're into doom led, theatrical and speedy black metal than EDENKAISER is definitely a band you should check out.<
6 / 10
Had Potential

"Dominum Ex Mortis" Track-listing:
1. Ov Chaos and Imagination (intro)
2. Eternal Martyrium
3. Blacksteel Legions
4. Hail to the Godslayer
5. The Witch and the Beast
6. The Blademaster
7. Nekrozone (For the Blood of the Future Fallen)
8. Oblivion remains
Edenkaiser Lineup:
Lianne Krossburner -Vocals
Hawkmoon - Guitars
Vherveroth - Bass
Gabriel - Drums
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