
To some people, the entire Rock scene is about to be torn apart, because they see fictional tensions of bands praising the past and playing old ways; and others that are going into the future using a more modern approach. These tensions aren’t anything else than a sign that the genre is alive and well, something that isn’t happening on some others. And here on “Megalomanium”, the new album of the Swedish quartet ECLIPSE, one can feel that both aspects can live on without problems. The band looked for a different path of what was shown on their previous album, “Paradigm”: now they’re using a more accessible outfit for their music, sounding like an 80’s Melodic Hard Rock/Glam Metal, with catchymelodies and catching choruses plenty of backing vocals, but always in a modern and updated form.
It’s not that wasn’t shown on “Paradigm”, but it’s stripped off the Heavy Metal weight and aggressiveness (maybe it was a consequence of what the world was passing through on 2019, with the rise of extreme right parties). But don’t worry: the band didn’t lose its grasp, and what is heard on this album is really amazing! Again, the responsibility to record, produce, mix and master one album of the quartet resided on the shoulders of Erik Mårtensson (reminding: he is a known producer on the genre, and plays on W.E.T. and NORDIC UNION as well). One of the best features of the album is that it shows power and strength on the sonority, but always without using more than the needed (in other words, the band evades to record something that they can’t reproduce on the show by themselves). It’s clean and defined, but weighty as well.
As mentioed above, “Megalomanium” sounds stripped off heavier elements and of any exaggeration, and due this fact, some moments can sound into a Pop Rock orientation (as heard on “The Hardest Part is Losing You”). But it’s another excellent work, as heard on songs as “The Hardest Part is Losing You” (the clear Pop Rock/Hard Rock appeal is amazing, with excellent chorus and charming guitar riffs and arrangements), “Got It!” (another fine moment of accessible melodies and a frantic rhythm, with a charming work of the vocals), “Anthem” (introduced by clean guitar arrangements, it becomes that kind song with contrast of melodic deeper moments with massive crescendos with excellent vocals and backing vocals), “Children of the Night” (here they use a more weight and 80s Arena Hard Rock orientation, again with a bubblegum chorus), “Hearts Collide” (a set of bombastic Pop Rock melodies can be heard, spreading hooks in every direction), “I Don’t Get it” (it’s hard to resist this one without getting wild and freaky due its melodic appeal, and another excellent set of instrumental arrangements can be heard), and… No, nein, nyet… It’s impossible to say that you can leave aside any track, because “The Broken”, “So Long, Farewell, Goodbye”, “High Road”, “One Step Closer to You” and “Forgiven” are in the same level of the previous one, so get the fuck in and hear the entire album, because it’s as addictive as nicotine, and you don’t have to smoke to feel the pleasure it gives.
That’s it: ECLIPSE again made a masterpiece. And if you doubt these words, you’re defied to hear “Megalomanium” and stay in place. It’s impossible!
10 / 10

"Megalomanium" Track-listing:
- The Hardest Part is Losing You
- Got It!
- Anthem
- Children of the Night
- Hearts Collide
- I Don’t Get it
- The Broken
- So Long, Farewell, Goodbye
- High Road
- One Step Closer to You
- Forgiven
Eclipse Lineup:
Erik Mårtensson - Vocals, Guitars
Magnus Henriksson - Guitars
Victor Crusner - Bass
Philip Crusner - Drums
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