

This is a Sludge/Doom Metal album with a lot of passion, fire, and energy. First, they smear the back onto your face and body, and then they rub it in, until it reaches your bones. By the time the EP is over, you emerge as a one-man killing machine.
June 28, 2024

EARTHBLOOD is a Sludge/Doom Metal band hailing from Finland, and “Witchburner” is the band’s second EP since formation in 2023. It’s essentially a three-track promo or carry over to their next release. The title track is the first cut. It’s muddy, weighted, and very low bass notes carry it over hallowed ground. It picks up just before the vocals come in, with a trashy sound, and the vocals are often shouted while the riff plows through all barricades. Towards the end of the song, the vocals blacked with guttural qualities, bringing a darker dimension with them.

“Sons of Heavy Rain” sounds more like a war anthem to me, and brings a raucous energy along with swords and shields. The vocals cut through all of the noise like a ringing cry to victory, and lead guitars fill in some of the space. “Swamp Hammer” is just that…a punishing hammer of a sound that starts up high and swings low and with authority and purpose. When the main riff kicks in, you just feel like putting on your boots and stomping something, over and over again. They light a match and set it on fire, letting the flames lick high.

This is a Sludge/Doom Metal album with a lot of passion, fire, and energy. First, they smear the back onto your face and body, and then they rub it in, until it reaches your bones. By the time the EP is over, you emerge as a one-man killing machine.

8 / 10









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"Witchburner" Track-listing:

1. Witchburner

2. Sons of Heavy Rain

3. Swamp Hammer


Earthblood Lineup:

Niko Kauhanen – Drums

Jere Halonen – Guitar & Vocals

Joel Notkonen – Bass & Vocals

Tuure Suomalainen – Guitar & Backing Vocals


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