Dwelling Below
Dwelling Below

From Bandcamp, “DWELLING BELOW give us a darker, filthier and uglier interpretation of Death/Doom Metal that will make sure you never leave the sewers. Their seamless, intuitive and admittedly improvised music keeps you hooked and bogged down to their slow but steady rhythm, their hypnotic and ever festering tunes gain control of your motor functions, and cajoled by the eerie psychedelia-laced atmosphere and plaintive leads, the insidious music eventually even seeps into your thoughts and renders them useless. You become a slave to their brand of compelling, entrancing music, slowly marching away to your doom.” The album has four songs.
“Attraction Vulgarity” is first. The entering riff is slow, low, and about as hopeless sounding as you could imagine. The vocals are guttural utterances, and the overall mood is black, dark, and harrowing. The music is very dissonant and does indeed dwell below…below Hell itself. Listen to the rumble of the bass…it’s like a freight train kicking into a higher gear because the load is so heavy. “Swallowed” is even blacker, if that is possible. The chord structures are fairly loose, and the band likes to improvise a bit. The result is an unrefined sound that speaks of filth, disease, and mass death.
“Emergence Sublimation” has more going on in the background. The riff moves low and high while frightening sounds surround you. It almost sounds like what you might hear as you are marched closer and closer to a torture chamber. The anticipation grows as you draw near and when you get there, it’s even worse than the images you have in your mind. “Sheltered Acceptance” closes the album. I was going to say that there is a little more structure here, but the relaxed and unbounded sound is actually what makes the album good. It gives the band the freedom to explore without chains.
Phillistine, vulgar and diseased. These are three words that come to mind when describing the album. It’s like the secret that you keep buried in your basement. Every day that passes, you grow more and more guilty for what you did, and the disease takes root, and slowly rots you from the inside out until you realize that life has no meaning, and your will to live is gone.
8 / 10

"Dwelling Below" Track-listing:
1. Attraction Vulgarity
2. Swallowed
3. Emergence Sublimation
4. Sheltered Acceptance
Dwelling Below Lineup:
Jared Moran – Drums and Vocals
Anthony Wheeler – Bass
Nicolas Turner – Guitars
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