

The Norwegian Hard Rockers of DUNDERBEIST are dropping a new album, "Hyklere" through Indie Recordings. […]
By Aaron "Five Magics" Price
March 18, 2015
Dunderbeist - Hyklere album cover

The Norwegian Hard Rockers of DUNDERBEIST are dropping a new album, "Hyklere" through Indie Recordings. There's a single issue I have with this, I don't like not being able to understand the lyrics. Although we all know that Metal is global and all are welcome, one thing that tends to push me away from a band is when the lyrics are in a language that isn't English. That's all I have to say about that, since there's clearly more to the music than just the language of the band.

Whenever you listen to a new band, especially when you've been heavily into music for 10+ years, its hard to find something that stands out enough for you to keep listening to. New bands come in and old ones phase out, things happen and it's hard to keep paying attention to everyone. For myself, DUNDERBEIST may not offer quite enough to make me listen to them very often, if at all after this. Let's talk about their song "Groms", this song opens up with a Black Metal style bit of instrumental, but leads into the rest of the song that sounds very SABATON. There's nothing about this song that doesn't scream SABATON at me, from the way the vocals are presented, to the riffs and drum patterns. It might not be quite as heavy, but it does definitely have the feel.

From song to song though, there is no transition, one ends and another starts, there's not much rhythm or rhyme to why these songs are placed next to each other, or really any warning that a song is ending and another is starting. Within the songs themselves, there's no need for much transition, the songs are consistent and very rarely change around which although is normal, if you find the beginning of a song boring, you'll probably find the rest of the song boring as well. If you find the beginning of the album boring, it probably won't change enough to change your mind.

As to be expected from most young Hard Rock/Heavy Metal bands now, there's not a whole lot of diversity throughout the album, but if you like what you hear in the track below, chances are you'll like the majority of the album. Worth checking out, but don't get your hopes up.

4 / 10

Nothing special

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"Hyklere" Track-listing:

1. Skaubror
2. Gryta
3. Punktum Mortale
4. Groms
5. Langsint (Of Tresk)
6. Sjøldestruksjon
7. Slagord
8. Spaan
9. Titusentimer
10. Vardøgger (Det Var Jo Da)

Dunderbeist Lineup:

Torgrim Torve - Vocals
Ronny Flissundet - Guitars
Frederik Ryberg - Guitars
Kristian Liljan - Bass
John Birkeland Hansen - Drums

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