
So we have a black metal five man band called DUIVEL and they have been active for a few years now as they began their journey with a self-titled EP which was released in 2019. This EP only contained two tracks and interesting enough that the band's name is taken from the Dutch word meaning devil, as the band are from The Netherlands. So once the EP was released, the following year after in 2020 was when the band released their debut album titled TIRADES UT DE HEL through Ván Records which contained six tracks altogether. The album received a lot of positive reviews and gained a lot of attention as the band, there is a somewhat haunting black metal soundscape to this album too as well as instrumental sections so a good balance and contrast.
Now the band have finally come back together to release another EP titled HEILIGSCHENNIS which contains six tracks as did the first album they had too, so what is new in this album you ask? Well in this album there are lots to listen to including the sounds of 'eerily catchy and original, with sick twists and unpredictable hooks, it will leave you completely absorbed from the beginning 'till the end'. So let's not delay any further and now go through the album one track at a time, starting with the intro track which is "Lijkenkar" as we hear all sorts of soundscape effects of various noises, as the intro track only lasts a minute and a half. So we head straight into the next track which is "Gedoemd Tot Dolen" as aggressive guitars come in before vocals and drums also join in.
There is such cunning and deadly drumming that cuts right through the mix with ascending guitars that are wild yet hair-raising as much plus vocals that portray the inner mindset of this black metal band. This track also doesn't extend beyond any more than two minutes so we can press on into the next track which is "Satánas" as this track has a slow but melodic guitar intro with drums dragging along with cymbal hits as well as keyboards providing the harrowing surroundings that can be frightful in some way. There is also a stamping foot of authority as there are surpassing or pulsating phases of drums with choking vocals that blister the tonality of the band with projection and tenacity. There is also a short pause before the chaos of all instruments is in motion as they can't seem to slow down nor can the vocals back down either.
So we go straight into the next track which is "Onanerend Voor De Zwaveltroon" as there is more repetition of the previous tracks racing drum pattern with everything else at the band's disposal, the tempo varies as keyboards can also be heard as this passage of play is extended on for a good part of this track. Vocals take a short gasp for breath but the come back in with vengeance in their hearts, as the track slows down just a bit before we make our way into the next track which is "Heksenkut". As the penultimate track opens with drums taking a step back with their usual rhythm however the do tend to match their rhythm with what goes on around them as guitars and vocals dictate this.
Electric guitar has a solo section to itself briefly before drums come back in whipping the lash of the black metal sound that has been presented to us throughout this EP. Mostly the tempo of drums is actually pulled back to a more percussive pattern with lots of cymbal hits where vocals bark out so many words of disgust and dismay it is so on point as to how dark and ominous this band wants to portray their sound in. This is the longest track on the EP and it does seem to bring together all ideas and themes of each instrument all into one big statement of fact that this band wants to impress the listener. "Kerkrot" is merely a closing outro that mirrors the soundscape we heard at the very start of this EP.
So it is but another haunting and mesmerising closure to this EP, as we have certainly heard all we can to know more about this band and what they are all about. I can only say that this EP is perhaps a great motivator for the band to now come up with a follow up in the form of a full length album, which I am sure will do just as well as the previous album did. I will certainly keep an eye out for these guys as they are committed to the cause and show how black metal can be well recognized.
6 / 10
Had Potential
"Heiligschennis" Track-listing:
1. Lijkenkar
2. Gedoemd Tot Dolen
3. Satánas
4. Onanerend Voor De Zwaveltroon
5. Heksenkut
6. Kerkrot
Duivel Lineup:
S. - Vocals
N. - Guitars
P. - Bass Guitar
K. - Keyboards
D. - Drums
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