Handful Of Stars


DRUDKH is not an unfamiliar name in the atmospheric Black Metal scene. Here we are […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
September 18, 2010
Drudkh - Handful Of Stars album cover

DRUDKH is not an unfamiliar name in the atmospheric Black Metal scene. Here we are dealing with their eighth album,"Handful Of Stars". But let's quickly say a few things about the band and see what they have to offer to us.

The band is playing nicely the game with the Media and the fans. No official site, no gigs, no interviews, no photos, no nothing! All of this "je m'en fous" attitude and the thing that they are from Kharkiv, Ukraine, are contributing in a dark image of the band that attracts fans. Formed in 2002 DRUDKH (meaning "wood" in Romanized Sanskrit) have released seven full length albums and two EPs. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, there are no concerts taking place during those eight years of existence. Now as for as the album goes...

...I found it boring, to tell you the truth. The first track is basically an intro with some keyboards but just by listening 10 notes is, as you can imagine, nothing special. The second track"Downfall Of The Epoch", which is a 12+ minute song has a few ideas that will make you wake up, but overall it will make you get bored after the first few minutes, expect if you like your music monotonous. But even if you do, at some point the composition needs that something extra in order to win your attention again. It is like you are waiting for something but in the end nothing happens. Unfortunately the other three songs have the same pattern. The most interesting track is "The Day Will Come", but that alone can't save the day.

The production is great, the musicians know what to do with their instruments, but in the end "Handful Of Stars" is a kinda boring album. Perhaps if it was released during the winter, when everybody has a different mood, this album could have a better treatment. But I believe that in my ears this would still be a well played yet boring release.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Handful Of Stars" Track-listing:
  1. Cold Landscapes
  2. Downfall Of The Epoch
  3. Towards The Light
  4. Twilight Aureole
  5. The Day Will Come
  6. Listening To The Silence
Drudkh Lineup:

Thurios - Vocals, Keyboards
Roman Saenko - Guitar, Bass
Krechet - Bass, Keyboards
Vlad - Drums, Keyboards

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