

Well what can I say? 2015 has barely begun and I am already being exposed […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
January 2, 2015
Dreamgrave - Presentiment album cover

Well what can I say? 2015 has barely begun and I am already being exposed to a band that could potentially be the one that everyone starts to talk about. From the dark depths of Szeged, Hungary; a shadowy presence is created in the form of Progressive Dark Metal quintet DREAMGRAVE.

This remarkable group formed in the year 2007 and released their demo "Deadborn Dreams" two years later. I am here to speak about their first full length album "Presentiment" and I will say this now; I am not a huge lover of anything Prog as I find it can be too long and the songs lose their magic but I found this album truly astonishing.

"Ethereal Eternity" provides us with the black atmosphere that DREAMGRAVE have set out to create with their music; it entrances you to listen to the rest of this dark journey.

The album consists of many pronounced emphasises including the operatic vocals provided by Mária Molnár, which take me back to my teenage years when I was just discovering the darker side of  Metal via the likes of TRISTANIA and EPICA. This nostalgic effect works very well in my personal opinion.

The most wonderful thing about the album is that no track sounds like the last, in fact the song is made up of so many different components and I find that keeps your attention throughout. For example in the song "False Sense Of Confidence" one minute it can be brutally fast with aggressive vocals and thunderous drums, the next moment you think it's the start of a ballad as the tempo slows right down and the vocals are a lot softer on the ears.

The concluding melody "It's Ubiquitous" only left me wanting more from this hidden treasure I now call DREAMGRAVE. If you want an album that will unleash your dark side before the year begins then I highly recommend this one.

10 / 10


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"Presentiment" Track-listing:

1. Ethereal Eternity
2. Black Spiral
3. Memento Mori
4. The Last Drop Falls
5. Presentiment
6. Presentiment (Part II)
7. False Sense Of Confidence
8. It's Ubiquitous

Dreamgrave Lineup:

Dömötör Gyimesi - Vocals, Guitars
János Mayer - Keyboards
Domonkos Altorjay - Drums
Mária Molnár - Vocals
Márton Attila Kovács - Bass

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