Metal X


DRAGONSFIRE have forged a mighty metal legacy over the last ten years, and with this […]
By Dan Mailer
January 12, 2015
Dragonsfire - Metal X album cover

DRAGONSFIRE have forged a mighty metal legacy over the last ten years, and with this EP, their 6th release "Metal X" they show their metal colours through and through.

Opening up with "Young And Wild" which is a full on energetic track from the word go, we are treated to some great riffs and some really full on vocals, quite deep but with lots of power. This sets them apart from the standard fair right away with top notch musicianship helping them along too! "Welcome To The Afterlife" follows this up with a real hard hitter of a riff, and some cool dynamics, with bass and drum only section that later collides with some heavy guitars in an impacting way.

"Heretic" is another track with some really awesome guitar, harmonised too! The riffs really flow here, with some really furious vocals over the top too. "Steel Eel" is the shortest track and feels slightly cheesier but the band pulls it off really well anyway, with nice layered vocals giving it a bit of an edge. "Man On A Mission" has some frenetic guitar riffs meeting a stabbing rhythm section before launching into a power metal frenzy with epic lead guitars. This one feels a little SABATON-esque and they really pull this one off with gusto.

"Hell" is our closer here, opening with some clean guitars and laid back drums that come as a bit of a surprise at the end of the album, with some nice passionate vocals as well. This song develops really nicely as it goes, building up to some full on metal later on, showcasing some really nice songwriting skills.

The production is spot on here, necessarily modern with lots of clarity in each musician's parts. The vocals are really nicely done and well supported by the mix as a whole. "Metal X" is a superb EP, and I can only wish it had a longer playtime as this is some really strong stuff. DRAGONSFIRE know what they're doing here, and they really deliver some strong material.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Metal X" Track-listing:

1. Young And Wild
2. Welcome To The Afterlife
3. Heretic
4. Steel Eel
5. Man On a Mission
6. Hell

Dragonsfire Lineup:

Torsten Thassilo Herbert - Vocals & Bass Guitar
Timo Rauscher - Guitar
Sebastian Bach - Guitar
Jan Müller - Drums

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