The World Is In Your Way

Dragged Under

A long time ago, I read a book that had a horrible scene in it. […]
By Paul LaPlaca
October 5, 2021
Dragged Under - The World Is In Your Way album cover

A long time ago, I read a book that had a horrible scene in it. It was set in a small village and the local priest had been sexually abusing the kids there. The brother of one of the girls found out and brought the priest to the main square and stripped him. Then he brought a calf out and attached it to this guy to basically perform oral sex. This is how I feel when I listen to DRAGGED UNDER. Sure, it might feel good but it's disgusting and humiliating if anyone is watching you enjoy it. You might bob your head to this but just remember, you are having sex with a baby cow. It's awful!

This album has been made 100 times already, I don't really see the point in regurgitating cookie-cutter music that... wait. I can't even finish that. This album, "The World Is In Your Way" according to their Wiki,  broke the Top 10 on the US Alternative iTunes charts, as well as #18 on the Billboard Top Alternative New Artists and #45 Top Current Hard Music charts. This should tell you everything that is wrong with the music industry these days. DRAGGED UNDER is a combination of LINKIN PARK, BLINK 182, and FALLOUT BOY. Vocal-fry singing, rhyme-rhyme, sing-song lyrics, anything that sounds like "me" is pronounced "MAY!"- you know the drill. I mean, the guitarist's nickname is, "Fluff". Yeah. Nailed it.

So, all that being said- this album is extremely well produced, the mix and mastering is outstanding. The songs are well-constructed pop-nu-metal that will definitely go over well in a large venue. But it's FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH while you are having sex with a baby cow! It's awful. Even my 12 yr. old said, "They are trying too hard."

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"The World Is In Your Way" Track-listing:

1. The Real You
2. Hypochondria
3. Roots
4. Here For War
5. Instability
6. Chelsea
7. Covered In Sin
8. Riot
9. The Hardest Drug
10. Feel It
11. Just Like Me
12. This Holiday

Dragged Under Lineup:

Ryan "Fluff" Bruce - Guitar
Anthony Cappocchi - Vocals
Hans Hessburg - Bass
Sean Rosario - Drums

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